
En tant que centre de recherche impliqué dans la recherche appliquée tant au niveau régional qu’européen, le CETIC est impliqué dans la publication de résultats de recherches dans diverses conférences et journaux liés à ces domaines de recherche.

La politique de publication du CETIC privilégie les contributions à caractère appliqué, impliquant des études de cas industrielles menées lors des projets correspondant.

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OLDES : Designing a Low-Cost, Easy-to-Use e-Care System together with the Stakeholders


Publications scientifiques

OLDES : Designing a Low-Cost, Easy-to-Use e-Care System together with the...

Christophe Ponsard, Mike Martin, Sarah Walsh, Susan Baines, Sébastien Rousseaux, Giovanni Rinaldi, and Fulvio Tamburriello, "OLDES : Designing a...

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Modelling Parliamentary Workflows a Case Study in Belgian Parliaments


Communication scientifique

Modelling Parliamentary Workflows a Case Study in Belgian Parliaments

Christophe Ponsard, Gaetan Deberdt, Joel Tournemenne, "Modelling Parliamentary Workflows a Case Study in Belgian Parliaments”, Interdisciplinary...

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Knowledge and Data Management in Grids : Notes on the State of the Art


Rapports techniques

Knowledge and Data Management in Grids : Notes on the State of the...

Arenas A., Bilas A., Comito C., Dikaiakos M.D., Gounaris A., Luna J., Marazakis M., Massonet P., Naqvi S., Smith J., Stagni F., Talia D., Watson...

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Comparing Assessment Methodologies for Free/Open Source Software : OpenBRR and QSOS


Publications scientifiques

Comparing Assessment Methodologies for Free/Open Source Software : OpenBRR...

Jean-Christophe Deprez and Simon ALEXANDRE, Comparing Assessment Methodologies for Free/Open Source Software : OpenBRR and QSOS, PROFES 2008,...

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An Operational Approach for Selecting Open Source Components in a Software Development Project


Publications scientifiques

An Operational Approach for Selecting Open Source Components in a Software...

J.-C. Deprez, A. Majchrowski, "An Operational Approach for Selecting Open Source Components in a Software Development Project", Proceedings of...

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Développer une application eID - rapport d'expérience : réalisation d'un chat eID


Communication scientifique

Développer une application eID - rapport d’expérience : réalisation d’un chat...

Christophe Ponsard et Jérôme Jonckers, Développer une application eID - rapport d’expérience : réalisation d’un chat eID, eID newsletter, décembre...

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Defining Software Evolvability from a Free/OpenSource Software Perspective


Publications scientifiques

Defining Software Evolvability from a Free/OpenSource Software...

JC Deprez et al., Defining Software Evolvability from a Free/OpenSource Software Perspective, In Proc. of 2nd Workshop on Software Evolution,...

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FlOSS Managed Data Sources Maturity Level : An attempt


Communication scientifique

FlOSS Managed Data Sources Maturity Level : An attempt

Frédéric Fleurial Monfils and Jean-Christophe Deprez, F/OSS Managed Data Sources Maturity Level : An attempt, In Proc. of 2nd Workshop on Software...

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An Analysis of the Chinese Wall Pattern for Guaranteeing Confidentiality in Grid-based Virtual Organisations


Communication scientifique

An Analysis of the Chinese Wall Pattern for Guaranteeing Confidentiality in...

Dallons G., Massonet P., Molderez J.F., Ponsard C., Arenas A., ’An Analysis of the Chinese Wall Pattern for Guaranteeing Confidentiality in...

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A High Performance FPGA-Based Accelerator for BLAS Library Implementation


Communication scientifique

A High Performance FPGA-Based Accelerator for BLAS Library Implementation

S. Rousseaux, D. Hubaux, P. Guisset, J.-D. Legat, "A High Performance FPGA-Based Accelerator for BLAS Library Implementation", Proceeding of the...

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Early verification and validation of mission critical systems


Publications scientifiques

Early verification and validation of mission critical systems

C. Ponsard, P. Massonet, J.F. Molderez, A. Rifaut, A. van Lamsweerde, Tran Van Hung, ’Early verification and validation of mission critical...

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Smart adaptable network device for fleet management and driver coaching


Publications scientifiques

Smart adaptable network device for fleet management and driver...

M. Delehaye, D. Hubaux, L. Guedria, J.-D. Legat, T. Delvaulx, B. Goffard, "Smart adaptable network device for fleet management and driver...

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Soft-Core FPGA Based Platform for Embedded Systems Rapid Prototyping


Rapports techniques

Soft-Core FPGA Based Platform for Embedded Systems Rapid Prototyping

L. Guedria, D. Hubaux, J.-D. Legat, Soft-Core FPGA Based Platform for Embedded Systems Rapid Prototyping, White Paper,...

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Towards a Service Integration Portal for Deaf People


Publications scientifiques

Towards a Service Integration Portal for Deaf People

C. Ponsard, C. Broekman, C. Lamy, M. Fraiture, ’Towards a Service Integration Portal for Deaf People’, in proc. International Conference on...

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Objective Accessibility Assessment of Public Infrastructures


Publications scientifiques

Objective Accessibility Assessment of Public Infrastructures

C. Ponsard, V. Snoeck, ’Objective Accessibility Assessment of Public Infrastructures’, in proc. International Conference on Computer Helping People...

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From Requirements Models to Formal Specifications in B


Communication scientifique

From Requirements Models to Formal Specifications in B

C. Ponsard, E. Dieul, From Requirements Models to Formal Specifications in B, in proc. International Workshop on regulations Modelling and their...

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Early Verification and Validation of Mission Critical Systems


Publications scientifiques

Early Verification and Validation of Mission Critical Systems

C. Ponsard, P. Massonet, A. Rifaut, J.F. Molderez, A. van Lamsweerde and H. Tran Van, Early Verification and Validation of Mission Critical...

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Deriving Acceptance Tests from Goal Requirements


Publications scientifiques

Deriving Acceptance Tests from Goal Requirements

J.F. Molderez, C. Ponsard, Deriving Acceptance Tests from Goal Requirements, 2nd International Mozart/Oz Conference, Charleroi (Belgium),...

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Publications - Embedded and Communicating Systems


Communication scientifique

Publications - Embedded and Communicating Systems

Publications - Embedded and Communication Systems

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Publications - Software and Services Technologies


Publications scientifiques

Publications - Software and Services Technologies

Publications - Software and Services Technologies

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Publications - Software and System Engineering


Publications scientifiques

Publications - Software and System Engineering

Publications - Software and System Engineering

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Adaptation of Cyclic Redundancy Check Computation to a VLIW Architecture"


Communication scientifique

Adaptation of Cyclic Redundancy Check Computation to a VLIW...

D. Hubaux, J-D. Legat, "Adaptation of Cyclic Redundancy Check Computation to a VLIW Architecture", Proceedings 2th PACT-Symposium, September...

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Nouvelles méthodes de conception de systèmes électroniques intégrés


Communication scientifique

Nouvelles méthodes de conception de systèmes électroniques intégrés

D. Hubaux, L. Guedria, L. Vandendorpe, M. Verleysen, J-D. Legat, Nouvelles méthodes de conception de systèmes électroniques intégrés, Proceedings...

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Word-Parallel CRC Computation on VLIW DSP


Publications scientifiques

Word-Parallel CRC Computation on VLIW DSP

D. Hubaux, J-D. Legat, Word-Parallel CRC Computation on VLIW DSP, Electronics Letters, 17 January 2002, vol 38 No2 pp...

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0 | ... | 120 | 144 | 168 | 192 | 216 | 240 | 264 | 288 | 312 | 336