
En tant que centre de recherche impliqué dans la recherche appliquée tant au niveau régional qu’européen, le CETIC est impliqué dans la publication de résultats de recherches dans diverses conférences et journaux liés à ces domaines de recherche.

La politique de publication du CETIC privilégie les contributions à caractère appliqué, impliquant des études de cas industrielles menées lors des projets correspondant.

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Using Blended Learning to Support Community Development Lessons Learnt from a Platform for Accessibility Experts


Communication scientifique

Using Blended Learning to Support Community Development Lessons Learnt from...

Christophe Ponsard, Joël Chouassi, Vincent Snoeck, Anne-Sophie Marchal and Julie Vanhalewyn, Using Blended Learning to Support Community...

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Towards Design-time Simulation Support for Energy-Aware Cloud Application Development


Publications scientifiques

Towards Design-time Simulation Support for Energy-Aware Cloud Application...

Christophe Ponsard, Jean-Christophe Deprez, Renaud De Landtsheer, and Gustavo Ospina, Towards Design-time Simulation Support for Energy-Aware...

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BEWARE Portraits de chercheurs


Rapports techniques

BEWARE Portraits de chercheurs

Publié par la DGO6

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OscaR, an Open Source Toolbox for optimising Logistics and Supply Chain Systems


Publications scientifiques

OscaR, an Open Source Toolbox for optimising Logistics and Supply Chain...

Renaud De Landtsheer, Christophe Ponsard, and Yoann Guyot, OscaR, an Open Source Toolbox for optimising Logistics and Supply Chain Systems, ERCIM...

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Guiding Cloud Developers to Build Energy Aware Applications


Publications scientifiques

Guiding Cloud Developers to Build Energy Aware Applications

Christophe Ponsard, Jean-Christophe Deprez, and Raphael Michel, Guiding Cloud Developers to Build Energy Aware Applications, in Software...

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Local Search with OscaR.CBLS


Communication scientifique

Local Search with OscaR.CBLS

Renaud De Landtsheer, Yoann Guyot, Gustavo Ospina, Christophe Ponsard, Local Search with OscaR.CBLS, Workshop Design and Analysis of...

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A Security Perspective on Federated Cloud Networks and Network Functions


Communication scientifique

A Security Perspective on Federated Cloud Networks and Network...

Philippe Massonet, "A Security Perspective on Federated Cloud Networks and Network Functions ", Clouscape conference, March 8th...

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TANGO : Transparent heterogeneous hardware Architecture deployment for eNergy Gain in Operation


Publications scientifiques

TANGO : Transparent heterogeneous hardware Architecture deployment for...

Djemame, Armstrong, Kavanagh, Deprez, Juan, Garcia, Badia, Sirvent, Ejarque, Georgiou, "TANGO : Transparent heterogeneous hardware Architecture...

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Verifying Geostatistical Travel Time Properties on Routing Networks


Publications scientifiques

Verifying Geostatistical Travel Time Properties on Routing Networks

Renaud De Landtsheer, Christophe Ponsard, Verifying Geostatistical Travel Time Properties on Routing Networks, International Conference on...

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A Discrete Event Simulation Approach for Quantifying Risks in Manufacturing Processes


Publications scientifiques

A Discrete Event Simulation Approach for Quantifying Risks in Manufacturing...

Renaud De Landtsheer, Gustavo Ospina, Philippe Massonet, Christophe Ponsard,Stephan Printz, Lasse Härtel and Johann Philipp von Cube, A Discrete...

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Open Source Hardware on the Cutting Edge : the Case of Open Source Cars


Communication scientifique

Open Source Hardware on the Cutting Edge : the Case of Open Source...

Robert Viseur, Open Source Hardware on the Cutting Edge : the Case of Open Source Cars in "International Workshop on the Sharing Economy", Paris...

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Towards the Complexity of Differentiation Through Lazy Updates in Local Search Engines


Communication scientifique

Towards the Complexity of Differentiation Through Lazy Updates in Local...

Renaud De Landtsheer, Yoann Guyot, Gustavo Ospina, Christophe Ponsard, Towards the Complexity of Differentiation Through Lazy Updates in Local...

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Quantifying goal models to assess risks and evaluate costs


Communication scientifique

Quantifying goal models to assess risks and evaluate costs

R. Darimont, C. Ponsard, A. van Lamsweerde, A. Caillau, Quantifying goal models to assess risks and evaluate costs, Workshop on the practice of...

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QualiXML - an XML-based Static Code Analysis Framework


Communication scientifique

QualiXML - an XML-based Static Code Analysis Framework

Dimitri Durieux, Christophe Ponsard and Jean-Christophe Deprez. QualiXML - an XML-based Static Code Analysis Framework, BENEVOL, Lille, December...

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Utiliser Wikipédia pour la création d'une base de données biographiques : mise en œuvre et étude des limitations


Publications scientifiques

Utiliser Wikipédia pour la création d’une base de données biographiques : mise...

Wikipédia, objet scientifique non identifié

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Using Semantic Technologies for more Intelligent Steel Manufacturing


Scientific papers

Using Semantic Technologies for more Intelligent Steel Manufacturing

Nikolaos Matskanis, Stéphane Mouton, Using Semantic Technologies for more Intelligent Steel Manufacturing, Alexander Ebel and Francesca Marchiori,...

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Automated Reasoning on Cardinality-based Feature Models


Publications scientifiques

Automated Reasoning on Cardinality-based Feature Models

Raphael Michel. Automated Reasoning on Cardinality-based Feature Models. PhD Thesis. University of Namur, November 2015...

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Towards an On-board Personal Data Mining Framework For P4 Medicine


Publications scientifiques

Towards an On-board Personal Data Mining Framework For P4 Medicine

Mohamed Boukhebouze, Stéphane Mouton, Jimmy Nsenga : Towards an On-board Personal Data Mining Framework For P4 Medicine. ERCIM News 2016(104)...

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Goal-Oriented Requirement Engineering Support for Business Continuity Planning


Publications scientifiques

Goal-Oriented Requirement Engineering Support for Business Continuity...

Alvaro E. Arenas, Philippe Massonet, Christophe Ponsard, and Benjamin Aziz Goal-Oriented Requirement Engineering Support for Business Continuity...

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How to Make Business Processes “Socialize” ?


Publications scientifiques

How to Make Business Processes “Socialize” ?

Zakaria Maamar, Noura Faci, Ejub Kajan, Sherif Sakr, Mohamed Boukhebouze, Ahmed Barnawi : How to Make Business Processes “Socialize” ? EAI Endorsed...

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Guiding Cloud Application Developers in Designing Balanced Trade-off among Energy impacting Requirements


Publications scientifiques

Guiding Cloud Application Developers in Designing Balanced Trade-off among...

Christophe Ponsard, Raphael Michel, Jean-Christophe Deprez, Sanae Saadaoui, Guiding Cloud Application Developers in Designing Balanced Trade-off...

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Tips and Hints for an effective COSMIC Learning Process gained from Industrial Trainings


Publications scientifiques

Tips and Hints for an effective COSMIC Learning Process gained from...

Sanae Saadaoui, Annick Majchrowski, Christophe Ponsard, Tips and Hints for an effective COSMIC Learning Process gained from Industrial Trainings,...

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Software Development Practices in Small Entities : an ISO29110-based Survey


Publications scientifiques

Software Development Practices in Small Entities : an ISO29110-based...

Annick MAJCHROWSKI, Christophe PONSARD, Sanae SAADAOUI, Jacques FLAMAND, Jean-Christophe DEPREZ, Software Development Practices in Small Entities...

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 Evidencing Sustainability Design through Examples


Publications scientifiques

Evidencing Sustainability Design through Examples

Ruzanna Chitchyan, Stefanie Betz, Leticia Duboc, Birgit Penzenstadler, Christophe Ponsard, Colin C. Venters Evidencing Sustainability Design...

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