Date: 22 septembre 2003
Publication: Publications scientifiques ⊕
N. Habra, S. Alexandre, J.-M. Desharnais, C.Y. Laporte, A. Renault, Initiating software process improvement in very small enterprises Experience with a light assessment tool, in Information and Software Technology, 2007.
The Application of International Software Engineering Standards in Very Small Enterprises C.Y. Laporte, S. Alexandre, A. Renault, SEPG07, Austin.
Deprez J.-C., Fleurial Monfils F., Ciolkowski M. and Soto M., Defining Software Evolvability from a Free/Open-Source Software Perspective in Proceedings of Third International IEEE Workshop on Software Evolvability, ICSM07, Paris 2007.
Deprez J.-C., Fleurial Monfils F., "FlOSS Managed Data Sources Maturity Level : a First Attempt" in Proceedings of Third International IEEE Workshop on Software Evolvability, ICSM07, Paris 2007.
Naqvi S., Ponsard C., Massonet P., Arenas A., ’Security Requirements Elaborations for Grid Data Management Systems’, to appear in the International Journal of System of Systems Engineering (IJSSE)
Naqvi S. et al., ’New Research Dimensions for the Formal Analysis of Critical Information Infrastructures Security Requirements’, Fraunhofer Symposium on Future Security, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 12-14, 2007
Dallons G., Massonet P., Molderez J.F., Ponsard C., Arenas A., ’An Analysis of the Chinese Wall Pattern for Guaranteeing Confidentiality in Grid-based Virtual Organisations’, First International Workshop on Security, Trust and Privacy in Grid Systems (Grid-STP 2007), Nice (France), Septembre 2007.
Christophe Ponsard et Jérôme Jonckers, Développer une application eID - rapport d’expérience : réalisation d’un chat eID, eID newsletter, décembre 2007.
C. Ponsard, P. Massonet, J.F. Molderez, A. Rifaut, A. van Lamsweerde, Tran Van Hung, ’Early verification and validation of mission critical systems’, in Journal of Formal Methods in System Design (Springer), vol 30, nr 3, June 2007.
C. Ponsard, G. Dallons, J.F. Molderez, P. Massonet, Formal Requirements Modelling and Early
Verification & Validation of Critical Systems (tool demo), in proc. Approches Formelles dans l’Assistance au Développement de Logiciels (AFADL’07), Namur (Belgium), June 2007.
Alexandre, S., Deprez, J.-C., OWPL Micro Evaluation Tutorial, Proceedings of SPICE 2006, Luxembourg, 2006.
Laporte, C.Y., Desharnais, J.M., Abou El Fatah , M., Bamba , J.C., Renault , A., Alexandre, S., Habra, N., L’amélioration des processus logiciels pour de petites entreprises : nos expériences avec les micro-évaluations, Revue Génie Logiciel, Numéro 79, décembre 2006, pp 2- 9.
Alexandre, S., Renault, A., Habra, N., "OWPL : A Gradual Approach for Software Process Improvement in SMEs", Proceeding of 32nd Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), 2006.
Laporte, C.-Y., Alexandre, S., Renault, A., Uthayanaka, T., Applying software engineering standards in very small enterprises, ISO Focus, 2006.
Naqvi S., Massonet P., Arenas A., Scope of Forensics in Grid Computing, Vision and Perspectives, International Workshop on Information Security and Digital Forensics 2006 (ISDF 2006), Sorrento, Italy, December 01-04, 2006. accepted
Naqvi S., Arenas A., Massonet P., Deriving Policies from Grid Security Requirements Model, CoreGRID Integration Workshop on Integrated Research in Grid Computing, Krakow (Poland), October 19-20, 2006. accepted
Naqvi S., Massonet P., Arenas A., Formalizing Security Requirements for Grids, Cracow Grid Workshop 2006 (CGW’06), Krakow (Poland), October 15-18, 2006. accepted
Naqvi S., Massonet P., Arenas A., Pragmatic Security Analysis of the Grid - A Requirements Engineering Perspective, 4th International Conference on
Information Systems Security 2006, Mostar (Bosnia-Herzegovina), September 10-12, 2006.
Naqvi S., Massonet P., Arenas A., Security Requirements Model for Grid Data Management Systems, International Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructure Security 2006 (CRITIS’06), Samos Island, Greece August 30 - September 02, 2006.
Naqvi S., Poitou O., Massonet P., Arenas A., Security Requirements Analysis for Large-scale Distributed File Systems, CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware, Dresden (Germany), August 28-29, 2006.
Naqvi S., Massonet P., Arenas A., Security Requirements Analysis for FileStamp
Distributed File System, CoreGRID Technical Report TR-0038, July 28, 2006.
J. Duquesne, C. Ponsard, Des GSM flambants neufs - Etude d’accessibilité pour les personnes déficientes auditives, Sournal, Belgian Deaf Journal, Juillet 2006.
C. Ponsard, V. Snoeck, Objective Accessibility Assessment of Public Infrastructures, in proc. International Conference on Computer Helping People (ICCHP’06), LNCS 4061, Linz (Austria), July 2006.
C. Ponsard, C. Broekman, C. Lamy, M. Fraiture, Towards a Service Integration Portal for Deaf People, in proc. International Conference on Computer Helping People (ICCHP’06), LNCS 4061, Linz (Austria), July 2006.
C. Ponsard, E. Dieul, From Requirements Models to Formal Specifications in B, in proc. International Workshop on regulations Modelling and their Validation and Verification (REMO2V), Luxembourg, June 2006.
Naqvi S., Massonet P., Arenas A., A Study of Languages for the Specification of
Grid Security Policies, CoreGRID Technical Report TR-0037, April 14, 2006.
M. Lopez, N. Habra, G. Seront "On the Applicability of Predictive Maintainability Models onto dynamic Languages ", International ERCIM-ESF workshop on Challenges in Software Evolution (ChaSE 2005) Bern, Switzerland, 2005.
Cl. Y. Laporte, J-M. Desharnais, A. Renault, N. Habra, M-M. Abouelfattah, J-Cl. Bamba, "Initiating Software Process Improvement in Small Enterprises : Experiments with CETIC’s Micro-Evaluation Framework", International Conference on Software Development (SWDC-REK 2005) Reykjavik, Iceland, 2005.
M. Lopez, N. Habra, "Relevance of the Cyclomatic Complexity Threshold for the Java Programming Language", 2nd SOFTWARE MEASUREMENT EUROPEAN FORUM (SMEF2005) Roma, Italy, 2005.
C. Ponsard, P. Massonet, J.F. Molderez, Bringing the Common Critera to Business Enterprise, ERCIM News 63, Special Issue on Security, Octobre 2005.
P. Massonet, C. Ponsard, A Scenario and Goal Based Approach for Guaranteeing Quality of Service
for Negotiated GRID Service Level Agreements : an Experience Report, Workshop on Service-Oriented Computing : Consequences for Engineering Requirements, Paris, Septembre 2005.
P. Massonet, C. Ponsard, Formal Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering : Research and Practice, Workshop on Fundamental Research in Software Engineering, Brussels, 1st July 2005.
C. Ponsard, P. Massonet, J.F. Molderez, Design of Fault-tolerant Systems using FAUST, Workshop on Rigorous Engineering of Fault Tolerant Systems, Newcastle (UK), July 2005.
C. Ponsard, N. Balych, P. Massonet, A. van Lamsweerde, J. Vanderdonckt, Goal-oriented Design of Domain Control Panels, 12th International Workshop on Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems, Newcastle (UK), July 2005.
N. Habra, A. Renault, "OWPL - Une méthodologie et des modèles légers pour initier une démarche d’amélioration des pratiques logicielles APL", Revue ISI "Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information", numéro spécial "Qualité des Systèmes d’Information", volume 9, n° 5-6/2004, Hermès, 2004.
A. Abran, M. Lopez, N. Habra, "An Analysis of the McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity Number", 14th International Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM2004) Berlin, Germany, Shaker Verlag, 2004.
M. Lopez, S. Alexandre, V. Paulus, G. Seront, "On the Application of some Metrology Concepts to Internal Software Measurement", 8th ECOOP Workshop on Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering (QAOOSE’2004) Oslo, Norway, 2004.
Alexandre S., Paulus, V., Lopez, M., Renault, A., Seront, G., and Habra, N., "What Can Be Learnt About the Software Process from the Internal Product Qualities ?", in Proceeding of the Second Workshop on Software Quality, ICSE 2004, Edinburgh, 2004.
Lopez, M., Alexandre, S., Paulus, V., "Validation report : Coupling, Cohesion and Stability", LQL-2004-TR-01, CETIC-FUNDP, Gosselies-Namur, 2004.
Lopez, M., Paulus, V., "Validity Conditions Impact of a Software Measure", dans Proceedings of Software Measurement European Forum 2004, Rome, Italie, p.120-130.
T. Van Hung, A. van Lamsweerde, P. Massonet, C. Ponsard, "Goal-Oriented Requirements Animation", 12th International Requirements Engineering Conference, Kyoto (Japan), September 2004.
C. Ponsard, P. Massonet, A. Rifaut, J.F. Molderez,
A. van Lamsweerde and H. Tran Van, Early Verification and Validation of Mission Critical Systems, 9th Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, Linz (Austria), September 2004.
J.F. Molderez, C. Ponsard, Deriving Acceptance Tests from Goal Requirements, 2nd International Mozart/Oz Conference, Charleroi (Belgium), September 2004.
CETIC, Clarification of an evaluation method for the accessibility of public infrastructures, study for "Ministere des affaires sociales et de la santé de la région wallonne", March 2004 (in french).
Alexandre S., Renault A., Habra N., "Une démarche d’amélioration des processus logiciels orientée contexte", dans Génie Logiciel, n° 66, 2003.
Alexandre S., Habra, N., "Process Maturity Frameworks. Towards a Generic Model", LQL-2003-TR-03, CETIC-FUNDP, Gosselies-Namur, 2003. (First Version. To be completed)
Alexandre S., "A Class Diagram Modeling Proposal of Software Process Maturity Model" (Working paper)
Alexandre S., Habra, N., "UML Modeling of Five Process Improvement Models", LQL-2003-TR-02, CETIC-FUNDP, Gosselies-Namur, 2003.
Lopez, M., Paulus, V., Habra, N., "Towards a validation process for measuring coupling : integrating axiomatic and empirical approaches", 7th ECOOP Workshop on Quantitative Approaches in Object-Oriented Software Engineering (QAOOSE’2003) Darmstadt, Germany, 2003.
Lopez, M., Paulus, V., Habra, N., "Towards a validation process for the measure of the efficiency : integrating axiomatic and empirical approaches", LQL-2003-TR-01, CETIC-FUNDP, Namur, 2003.
Alexandre, S., Renault, A., Habra, N., "A Context-Based Software Process Improvement Approach", Gosselies-Namur, 2003.
Lopez, M., Paulus, V., Habra, N., "Towards a validation process for measuring efficiency : integrating axiomatic and empirical approaches", Gosselies-Namur, 2003. (Présenté au FNRS contact day 2003).
C. Ponsard, "FACS, a framework for animating concurrent systems, application to Railway Signalling", Technical Report, CETIC, June 2003.
A. Rifaut, P. Massonet, J-F Molderez, C. Ponsard, P. Stadnik, "FAUST : Formal Analysis Using Specification Tools", proc. RE’03, 11th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, Montery Bay, California, USA, September 2003
CETIC, Study of On-line Sign Language Support, study for "Ministere des affaires sociales et de la santé de la région wallonne", March 2004 (in french)., Septembre 2003 (in french).
C. Ponsard, P. Massonet, A. Rifaut, J-F Molderez, P. Stadnik , "The FAUST toolbox for Formal Requirements Specification Analysis", proc. First Workshop on Formal Methods in Industrial Applications and Engineering Curricula, Gand, 27 November 2003.
E. Delor, R. Darimont, A. Rifaut "Software quality starts with the modeling of goal-oriented requirements", proc. ICSSEA 2003 16th International Conference Software& Systems Engineering and their Applications, CNAM, Paris (France), December 2-4 2003.
Caire, G, Coulier, W., Garijo, F., Gomez Sanz, J., Kearney, P., Massonet, P., Pavon, J. MESSAGE : a Methodology for the Development of Agent-based Applications, in F. Bergenti, M.P. Gleizes and F. Zambonelli (Eds.) Methodologies And Software Engineering For Agent Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishing.
Alexandre S., Habra, N., "Software Engineering Process. Bibliography. Version 1.0", LQL-2002-TR-02, CETIC-FUNDP, Namur, 2002.
Alexandre S., "Software Metrics. An Overview", LQL-2002-TR-01, CETIC-FUNDP, 2002.
Habra N., Renault A., Alexandre S., Lopez M., "OWPL - Micro-Assessment ", in Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Quality. International Conference Software Engineering, Orlando, Florida, USA May, 2002.
Massonet, Ph., Deville, Y., Nève, C., "From AOSE Methodology to Agent Implementation", proc. of the First International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS2002), Bologna, Italy, July 2002.
Caire, G., Coulier, W., Garijo, F., Gomez, J., Pavon, J., Leal, F. , Chainho, P., Kearney, P., Stark, J., Evans, R., Massonet, P., Agent Oriented Analysis using MESSAGE/UML, proc. Second International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE-2001), Montreal (Canada), May 2001.
Renault A., "Modèle OWPL - Positionnement et compatibilité par rapport aux normes ISO 9000 ", OWPL-FUNDP, 2000.
Renault A., Micro-évaluation des Pratiques Logicielles-Etude de cas, OWPL-FUNDP, 1999.
Habra N., Niyitugabira E. and Renault A., Modèle OWPL : Evaluation et Amélioration des Pratiques Logicielles dans les PME Wallonnes, Technical Report 1/99, OWPL-FUNDP,1999.
Habra N., Niyitugabira E. & Renault A.,"Modèle OWPL - Questionnaire", OWPL-FUNDP, 1999.
Habra N., Niyitugabira E., Lamblin A.C. and Renault A., Software Process Improvement in Small Organizations Using Gradual Evaluation Schema, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement, VTT, Oulu, Finland, June 1999.
Habra N., Niyitugabira E., Lamblin A.C. and Renault A., Software Process Improvement in Small Structures : First Results of a Micro-Assessment Framework, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Software Process Improvement, Barcelona, Spain, December 1999.
Niyitugabira E., "Adéquation du modèle CMM aux PME et pistes d’adaptation", OWPL-FUNDP, 1998.
Renault A., "Etude critique d’une utilisation du modèle SPICE", OWPL-FUNDP, 1998.