
En tant que centre de recherche impliqué dans la recherche appliquée tant au niveau régional qu’européen, le CETIC est impliqué dans la publication de résultats de recherches dans diverses conférences et journaux liés à ces domaines de recherche.

La politique de publication du CETIC privilégie les contributions à caractère appliqué, impliquant des études de cas industrielles menées lors des projets correspondant.

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Living Labs in Wallonia, Une nouvelle forme de rapport avec les utilisateurs


Rapports techniques

Living Labs in Wallonia, Une nouvelle forme de rapport avec les...

"Living Labs in Wallonia, Une nouvelle forme de rapport avec les utilisateurs", Dynamisme 262, Union Wallonne des Entreprises,...

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Rapports techniques


Video explaining the project results

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A Goal-Oriented Requirements Analysis for the Collection, Use and Exchange of Electronic Evidence across EU Countries


Publications scientifiques

A Goal-Oriented Requirements Analysis for the Collection, Use and Exchange...

Jean Christophe Deprez, Christophe Ponsard and Nikolaos Matskanis, A Goal-Oriented Requirements Analysis for the Collection, Use and Exchange of...

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Towards a Quantitative Assessment of Supply Chain Sustainability using Queries over Model Simulations


Publications scientifiques

Towards a Quantitative Assessment of Supply Chain Sustainability using...

Christophe Ponsard, Renaud De Landtsheer, Gustavo Ospina, Towards a Quantitative Assessment of Supply Chain Sustainability using Queries over...

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A Modular Requirements Engineering Framework for Web-based Toolchain Integration


Publications scientifiques

A Modular Requirements Engineering Framework for Web-based Toolchain...

Robert Darimont, Wei Zhao, Christophe Ponsard, Arnaud Michot, A Modular Requirements Engineering Framework for Web-based Toolchain Integration,...

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A Survey on Risk-Management and Tooling Support for Procurement Processes in Supply Chains


Publications scientifiques

A Survey on Risk-Management and Tooling Support for Procurement Processes...

Stephan Printz, Johann Philipp von Cube, Christophe Ponsard, Renaud De Landtsheer and Gustavo Ospina, A Survey on Risk-Management and Tooling...

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Query-based Risks Management of Manufacturing Processes


Publications scientifiques

Query-based Risks Management of Manufacturing Processes

Christophe Ponsard, Renaud De Landtsheer, Gustavo Ospina, Stephan Printz and Johann Philipp von Cube, Query-based Risks Management of...

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A Mobile Travel Companion based on Open Accessibility Data


Publications scientifiques

A Mobile Travel Companion based on Open Accessibility Data

Christophe Ponsard, Fabrice Estiévenart, Valery Ramon, Alexandre Rosati, Emilie Goffin, Vincent Snoeck, and Stéphanie Hermans, A Mobile Travel...

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SEAMPAT : An ICT Platform for Medication Reconciliation with Active Patient Involvement


Publications scientifiques

SEAMPAT : An ICT Platform for Medication Reconciliation with Active Patient...

Valery Ramon, Ravi Ramdoyal, Sophie Marien, Arnaud Michot, Jimmy Nsenga, Gustavo Ospina, Fabian Steels, Quentin Boucher, Delphine Legrand,...

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Co-engineering Security and Safety Requirements for Cyber-Physical Systems


Communication scientifique

Co-engineering Security and Safety Requirements for Cyber-Physical...

Christophe Ponsard, Philippe Massonet and Gautier Dallons, Co-engineering Security and Safety Requirements for Cyber-Physical Systems, ERCIM News...

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Problèmes pratiques de propriété intellectuelle dans les hotspots créatifs wallons : bases d'un cadre légal adapté aux activités co-créatives


Communication scientifique

Problèmes pratiques de propriété intellectuelle dans les hotspots créatifs...

Robert Viseur, Problèmes pratiques de propriété intellectuelle dans les hotspots créatifs wallons : bases d’un cadre légal adapté aux activités...

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An Architecture for Securing Federated Cloud Networks with Service Function Chaining


Publications scientifiques

An Architecture for Securing Federated Cloud Networks with Service Function...

Philippe Massonet, Sébastien Dupont, Arnaud Michot, Ana Levin (IBM Research Lab, Haifa, Israel), Massimo Villari (University of Messina, Italy)...

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Rapport annuel 2015


Rapports Annuels

Rapport annuel 2015

Rapport annuel 2015, CETIC

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Success Factors of an Open Source Outsider : the Case of Nginx Web Server


Communication scientifique

Success Factors of an Open Source Outsider : the Case of Nginx Web...

Robert Viseur, Success Factors of an Open Source Outsider : the Case of Nginx Web Server, CPMMI conference.

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A generic REST API on top of Eclipse CDO for web-based modelling


Communication scientifique

A generic REST API on top of Eclipse CDO for web-based modelling

EclipseCON France 2016

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Network-based Social Coordination of Business Processes


Publications scientifiques

Network-based Social Coordination of Business Processes

Z. Maamar, N. Faci, S. Sakr, Mohamed Boukhebouze, A. Barnawi. (2016), “Network-based Social Coordination of Business Processes”. Information...

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Retour d'expérience sur l'analyse des exigences centrées sur les données pour les SI*-data


Communication scientifique

Retour d’expérience sur l’analyse des exigences centrées sur les données pour...

Christophe Ponsard, Annick Majchrowski, Stéphane Mouton, Analyse des exigences pour des SI Big-Data - Retour d’expérience pour la gestion d’alarmes...

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Monetary Quantification of Supply Risks of Manufacturing Enterprises - Discrete Event Simulation Based Approach


Publications scientifiques

Monetary Quantification of Supply Risks of Manufacturing Enterprises -...

Philipp von Cube, Lasse Härtel, Robert Schmitt, Christophe Ponsard, Philippe Massonet, Renaud de Landtsheer, Gustavo Ospina, Stephan Printz,...

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Building Event-B Interlocking Theories : Lessons Learned using the Theory Plug-in


Communication scientifique

Building Event-B Interlocking Theories : Lessons Learned using the Theory...

Yoann Guyot, Renaud De Landtsheer, Christophe Ponsard, Building Event-B Interlocking Theories : Lessons Learned using the Theory Plug-in, 6th...

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Etude des facteurs de succès du projet open source Apache HTTP


Communication scientifique

Etude des facteurs de succès du projet open source Apache HTTP

Robert Viseur, Etude des facteurs de succès du projet open source Apache HTTP, 21ème colloque de l’AIM, Lille, IÉSEG School of Management, 18-19-20...

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First Results about Motivation and Impact of License Changes in Open Source Projects


Publications scientifiques

First Results about Motivation and Impact of License Changes in Open Source...

Robert Viseur, First Results about Motivation and Impact of License Changes in Open Source Projects in "Open Source Software", Florence (Italie),...

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A FLOSS License-Selection Methodology for Cloud Computing Projects


Publications scientifiques

A FLOSS License-Selection Methodology for Cloud Computing Projects

Robert Viseur, A FLOSS License-Selection Methodology for Cloud Computing Projects in "Closer 2016", Rome (Italie),...

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Bringing dynamics to IoT services with Cloud and semantic technologies


Publications scientifiques

Bringing dynamics to IoT services with Cloud and semantic technologies

Sébastien Dupont, Amel Achour, Fabrice Estiévenart, Nikolaos Matskanis, Laurent Deru, "Bringing dynamics to IoT services with Cloud and semantic...

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Using Blended Learning to Support Community Development Lessons Learnt from a Platform for Accessibility Experts


Communication scientifique

Using Blended Learning to Support Community Development Lessons Learnt from...

Christophe Ponsard, Joël Chouassi, Vincent Snoeck, Anne-Sophie Marchal and Julie Vanhalewyn, Using Blended Learning to Support Community...

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