Robert Darimont, Wei Zhao, Christophe Ponsard, Arnaud Michot, A Modular Requirements Engineering Framework for Web-based Toolchain Integration, 24th IEEE Requirements Engineering Conference, Beijing (China), Sept 12-16 2016.
Date: 12 septembre 2016
Publication: Publications scientifiques ⊕
Transformation Numérique ⊕
Requirements Engineering (RE) tools and more generally the whole Software Engineering toolchain follow the strong trend towards web-based interface. This allows the analyst to use their tools in a “Software as a Service” mode either from a
local company server or directly in the Cloud. Such deployments also ease toolchain integration by connecting their respective API through secured web-services, possibly using specific software lifecycle interoperability standards. In this tool demonstration,
we illustrate the results of the rewrite process of a major Requirements Engineering tool towards this purpose. Our tooling has the following key features : (i) it supports rich requirements models based on goal-oriented RE, (ii) it is implemented as a collaborative concept server based on Eclipse Modelling technology and (iii) it exposes a REST interface supporting model building, diagram edition, history retrieval, snapshot management, collaborative mode, user authentication and project
management. The following scenarios will be demonstrated (1) collaborative edition of a shared RE model, (2) rich service composition with application lifecycle management tools and (3) easy web-component integration in third-party web interfaces.