
As an applied research center, active at the regional and european level, CETIC is involved in the publication of research results in various conferences and journals related to these fields, as well as documents aimed at industry.
Our policy is to favor contributions that are close to the application fields, based on industrial case studies resulting from the research projects.

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Guiding Cloud Application Developers in Designing Balanced Trade-off among Energy impacting Requirements


Publications scientifiques

Guiding Cloud Application Developers in Designing Balanced Trade-off among...

Christophe Ponsard, Raphael Michel, Jean-Christophe Deprez, Sanae Saadaoui, Guiding Cloud Application Developers in Designing Balanced Trade-off...

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Tips and Hints for an effective COSMIC Learning Process gained from Industrial Trainings


Publications scientifiques

Tips and Hints for an effective COSMIC Learning Process gained from...

Sanae Saadaoui, Annick Majchrowski, Christophe Ponsard, Tips and Hints for an effective COSMIC Learning Process gained from Industrial Trainings,...

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Software Development Practices in Small Entities : an ISO29110-based Survey


Publications scientifiques

Software Development Practices in Small Entities : an ISO29110-based...

Annick MAJCHROWSKI, Christophe PONSARD, Sanae SAADAOUI, Jacques FLAMAND, Jean-Christophe DEPREZ, Software Development Practices in Small Entities...

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 Evidencing Sustainability Design through Examples


Publications scientifiques

Evidencing Sustainability Design through Examples

Ruzanna Chitchyan, Stefanie Betz, Leticia Duboc, Birgit Penzenstadler, Christophe Ponsard, Colin C. Venters Evidencing Sustainability Design...

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Supporting Quantitative Assessment of Requirements in Goal Orientation


Publications scientifiques

Supporting Quantitative Assessment of Requirements in Goal Orientation

Robert Darimont and Christophe Ponsard, Supporting Quantitative Assessment of Requirements in Goal Orientation, 23rd IEEE International...

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Open Science : Practical Issues in Open Research Data


Publications scientifiques

Open Science : Practical Issues in Open Research Data

Robert Viseur, Open Science : Practical Issues in Open Research Data in "International Workshop on the Sharing Economy", Colmar (France),...

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A UML KPI Profile for Energy Aware Design and Monitoring of Cloud Services


Publications scientifiques

A UML KPI Profile for Energy Aware Design and Monitoring of Cloud...

Christophe Ponsard, Jean-Christophe Deprez, Jacques Flamand, A UML KPI Profile for Energy Aware Design and Monitoring of Cloud Services, 10th...

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L'optimisation par recherche locale avec OscaR, expliquée à mon voisin


Communication scientifique

L’optimisation par recherche locale avec OscaR, expliquée à mon...

Renaud De Landtsheer, Christophe Ponsard, L’optimisation par recherche locale avec OscaR, expliquée à mon voisin, 16es Rencontres Mondiales du...

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Driving the Evolution of Cloud Software towards Energy Awareness


Communication scientifique

Driving the Evolution of Cloud Software towards Energy Awareness

Christophe Ponsard, Jean-Christophe Deprez, Dimitri Durieux, Driving the Evolution of Cloud Software towards Energy Awareness, Seminar Series on...

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Goal-Oriented Reasoning about Systems of Systems


Communication scientifique

Goal-Oriented Reasoning about Systems of Systems

Christophe Ponsard, Philippe Massonet and Jean-Christophe Deprez, Goal-Oriented Reasoning about Systems of Systems, ERCIM News 102, Trustworthy...

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Optimal Scheduling of Chemotherapy Deliveries under Quality of Care, Resources and Ethical Constraints


Publications scientifiques

Optimal Scheduling of Chemotherapy Deliveries under Quality of Care,...

Renaud De Landtsheer, Yoann Guyot, Christophe Ponsard, François Roucoux, Optimal Scheduling of Chemotherapy Deliveries under Quality of Care,...

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Combining Neighborhoods into Local Search Strategies


Publications scientifiques

Combining Neighborhoods into Local Search Strategies

Renaud De Landtsheer, Yoann Guyot, Gustavo Ospina, Christophe Ponsard, Combining Neighborhoods into Local Search Strategies, 11th MetaHeuristics...

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Combining Models, Diagrams and Tables for Efficient Requirements Engineering : Lessons Learned from the Industry


Publications scientifiques

Combining Models, Diagrams and Tables for Efficient Requirements...

Christophe Ponsard, Robert Darimont, Arnaud Michot, Combining Models, Diagrams and Tables for Efficient Requirements Engineering : Lessons...

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Assessing and Driving Software Development Practices in SMEs through an online ISO29110-based survey


Publications scientifiques

Assessing and Driving Software Development Practices in SMEs through an...

Christophe PONSARD, Jacques FLAMAND, Annick MAJCHROWSKI, Assessing and Driving Software Development Practices in SMEs through an online...

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Driving the Adoption of Enterprise Architecture Inside Small Companies


Publications scientifiques

Driving the Adoption of Enterprise Architecture Inside Small...

Christophe Ponsard, Annick Majchrowski, Driving the Adoption of Enterprise Architecture Inside Small Companies, 17th International Conference on...

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Combining Neighborhoods into Search Strategies


Publications scientifiques

Combining Neighborhoods into Search Strategies

Renaud De Landtsheer, Yoann Guyot, Christophe Ponsard, Combining Neighborhoods into Search Strategies, ORBEL29, Antwerp, February 5-6,...

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How Openness can Change Scientific Practice


Publications scientifiques

How Openness can Change Scientific Practice

Robert Viseur, Nicolas Devos. How Openness can change Scientific Practice, ERCIM News - Special theme : Scientific Data Sharing and Re-use, p.37,...

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Towards Smarter Airborne Technologies


Communication scientifique

Towards Smarter Airborne Technologies

C. Ponsard, Towards Smarter Airborne Technologies : a panorama of Belgian Research. AIAA Intelligent Systems Technical Committee, Fall 2014 ISTC...

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Isolation d'environnements avec chroot


Communication scientifique

Isolation d’environnements avec chroot

Dimitri Diakodimitris, Isolation d’environnements avec chroot, Linux Pratique, n°87, p.22-27, January 2015.

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Paving the Way to Open Physical Accessibility Information


Communication scientifique

Paving the Way to Open Physical Accessibility Information

Christophe Ponsard, Vincent Snoeck, Paving the Way to Open Physical Accessibility Information, Accessible Way-Finding Using Web Technologies,...

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Automating OW2 SQUaT Assessment and Reporting using Worklow and Metrics Collection Tools


Communication scientifique

Automating OW2 SQUaT Assessment and Reporting using Worklow and Metrics...

Dimitri Durieux, Jean-Christophe Deprez, Christophe Ponsard, Automating OW2 SQUaT Assessment and Reporting using Worklow and Metrics Collection...

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SUPER: Social-Based Business Process Management Framework


Scientific papers

SUPER: Social-Based Business Process Management Framework

Zakaria Maamar, Sherif Sakr, Noura Faci, Mohamed Boukhebouze, Ahmed Barnawi: SUPER: Social-Based Business Process Management Framework. ICSOC...

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Energy Efficiency Embedded Service Lifecycle : Towards an Energy Efficient Cloud Computing Architecture


Publications scientifiques

Energy Efficiency Embedded Service Lifecycle : Towards an Energy Efficient...

Karim Djemame, D. Armstrong, Richard E. Kavanagh, Ana Juan Ferrer, D. G. Perez, D. R. Antona, Jean-Christophe Deprez, Christophe Ponsard, D....

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Annual Report 2013


Annual Reports

Annual Report 2013

CETIC Annual Report for the Year 2013

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0 | ... | 48 | 72 | 96 | 120 | 144 | 168 | 192 | 216 | 240 | ... | 288