Paving the Way to Open Physical Accessibility Information

Paving the Way to Open Physical Accessibility Information

Christophe Ponsard, Vincent Snoeck, Paving the Way to Open Physical Accessibility Information, Accessible Way-Finding Using Web Technologies, Online Symposium 3 December 2014.

Date: 3 décembre 2014

Publication: Communication scientifique 


Transformation Numérique 

A propos du projet: QualIHM 

Finding information about the physical accessibility of places, roads and transportation is still a problem and raising questions like : how to gather and maintain large amount of data given the limited resource in experts, how to rely on infrastructure users/owners as input channel, how to enable the consolidation/sharing of data with across organisations or countries ?

This paper focuses on recent concrete contributions done together with the CaWAB accessibility consortium in the French-speaking part of Belgium in order to progress towards more scalable approach, also learning from past mistakes and exploring recent ICT advances.
