C. Ponsard, Towards Smarter Airborne Technologies : a panorama of Belgian Research. AIAA Intelligent Systems Technical Committee, Fall 2014 ISTC Newsletter.
Date: 3 janvier 2015
Publication: Communication scientifique ⊕
Ingénierie des systèmes IT complexes ⊕
Domaine: Aérospatial ⊕
A propos du projet: SAT ⊕
Driven by the Walloon "Marshall" plan, key challenges met Belgian aerospace companies within the skywin pole have been investigated by the Smarter Airborne Technologies project. A mixed consortium of companies (Thales Belgium SA, Barco-Silex, Gillam FEI, M2Systems, Dardenne), universities (UCLouvain, UNamur, ULiege) and research centers (CETIC, Multitel) could achieve innovative progress in the following areas :