
As an applied research center, active at the regional and european level, CETIC is involved in the publication of research results in various conferences and journals related to these fields, as well as documents aimed at industry.
Our policy is to favor contributions that are close to the application fields, based on industrial case studies resulting from the research projects.

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Semantic Interoperability between Clinical Research and Healthcare : the PONTE approach


Communication scientifique

Semantic Interoperability between Clinical Research and Healthcare : the...

Tassos Tagaris, Efthymios Chondrogiannis , Joseph Roumier, George Tsatsaronis, Vassiliki Andronikou, Nikolaos Matskanis, Konstantinos...

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Le chercheur peut-il se fier aux volumétries indiquées par les moteurs de recherche commerciaux ?


Communication scientifique

Le chercheur peut-il se fier aux volumétries indiquées par les moteurs de...

Robert Viseur, Le chercheur peut-il se fier aux volumétries indiquées par les moteurs de recherche commerciaux ?, 10ème séminaire M@rsouin, Brest...

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Gérer la propriété intellectuelle dans les projets à base de logiciels libres


Communication scientifique

Gérer la propriété intellectuelle dans les projets à base de logiciels...

Robert Viseur, Gérer la propriété intellectuelle dans les projets à base de logiciels libres, 17ème conférence de l’Association Information et...

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An OCR-enabled Digital Comic Books Viewer


Publications scientifiques

An OCR-enabled Digital Comic Books Viewer

Christophe Ponsard, Ravi Ramdoyal, Daniel Dziamski, An OCR-enabled Digital Comic Books Viewer, Int. Conf. on Computer Helping People with Special...

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Security Challenges for Remote Patient Care Systems using m-Health Technologies


Scientific communication

Security Challenges for Remote Patient Care Systems using m-Health...

Syed Naqvi, Philippe Drugmand, Sébastien Rousseaux, "Security Challenges for Remote Patient Care Systems using m-Health Technologies", Medetel,...

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Integrating Energy and Eco-Aware Requirements Engineering in the Development of Services-Based Applications on Virtual Clouds


Publications scientifiques

Integrating Energy and Eco-Aware Requirements Engineering in the...

Jean-Christophe Deprez, Ravi Ramdoyal, Christophe Ponsard, Integrating Energy and Eco-Aware Requirements Engineering in the Development of...

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An Collaborative FAQ Approach for Collecting Evidence on Formal Method Industrial Usage


Scientific communication

An Collaborative FAQ Approach for Collecting Evidence on Formal Method...

Jean Christophe Deprez, Christophe Ponsard, An Collaborative FAQ Approach for Collecting Evidence on Formal Method Industrial Usage, Deploy...

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Assessment of the Evolution of the RODIN Open Source platform


Scientific communication

Assessment of the Evolution of the RODIN Open Source platform

Christophe Ponsard, Jean Christophe Deprez, Jacques Flamand, Assessment of the Evolution of the RODIN Open Source platform, Third RODIN Users and...

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Forks impacts and motivations in free and open source projects


Communication scientifique

Forks impacts and motivations in free and open source projects

Robert Viseur, Forks impacts and motivations in free and open source projects, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and...

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Digital Investigations for Enterprise Information Architectures


Publications scientifiques

Digital Investigations for Enterprise Information Architectures

Syed Naqvi, Gautier Dallons, Christophe Ponsard, Digital Investigations for Enterprise Information Architectures, The Sixth International...

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Digital Investigations and Forensic Analysis - Practices and Technologies


Communication scientifique

Digital Investigations and Forensic Analysis - Practices and...

Syed Naqvi, Digital Investigations and Forensic Analysis - Practices and Technologies, Sixth International Conference on Digital Society (ICDS...

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Securing the External Interfaces of a Federated Infrastructure Cloud


Publications scientifiques

Securing the External Interfaces of a Federated Infrastructure...

Massonet P., Michot A., Naqvi S., Villari M., Latanicki J., Securing the External Interfaces of a Federated Infrastructure Cloud, In Open Source...

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Is my Formal Method Tool Ready for the Industry ?


Communication scientifique

Is my Formal Method Tool Ready for the Industry ?

Christophe Ponsard, Jean-Christophe Deprez, Renaud De Landtsheer, Is my Formal Method Tool Ready for the Industry ?, AVOCS 2011 - 11th...

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From Pattern-based User Interfaces to Conceptual Schemas and Back


Publications scientifiques

From Pattern-based User Interfaces to Conceptual Schemas and...

Ravi Ramdoyal, Anthony Cleve, From Pattern-based User Interfaces to Conceptual Schemas and Back, in Proceedings of the 30th International...

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Beamforming in Wireless Sensor Networks


Publications scientifiques

Beamforming in Wireless Sensor Networks

J. Nsenga, S. Dawans, V. Ramon, A. Bourdoux, F. Horlin, "Residual Energy-Aware Collaborative Transmission Beamforming in Wireless Sensor...

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A FAQ Approach for Collecting Evidence on Formal Method Industrial Usage


Communication scientifique

A FAQ Approach for Collecting Evidence on Formal Method Industrial...

Deprez J.C., Ponsard C., De Landtsheer R., A FAQ Approach for Collecting Evidence on Formal Method Industrial Usage, FM 2011 Industry Day, June...

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Joint TX/RX Analog Linear Transformation for Maximizing the Capacity at 60 GHz


Publications scientifiques

Joint TX/RX Analog Linear Transformation for Maximizing the Capacity at 60...

Jimmy Nsenga, Andre Bourdoux, Wim Van Thillo, Valery Ramon, François Horlin (ULB), "Joint TX/RX Analog Linear Transformation for Maximizing the...

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Generating High-Level Event-B System Models from KAOS Requirements Models


Communication scientifique

Generating High-Level Event-B System Models from KAOS Requirements...

Ponsard C., Devroey X., Generating High-Level Event-B System Models from KAOS Requirements Models, in INFormatique des ORganisations et Systèmes...

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A Monitoring and Audit Logging Architecture for Data Location Compliance in Federated Cloud Infrastructures


Publications scientifiques

A Monitoring and Audit Logging Architecture for Data Location Compliance in...

Massonet P., Naqvi S., Ponsard C., Latanicki J., Rochwerger B., Villari M., A Monitoring and Audit Logging Architecture for Data Location...

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Designing Efficient Security Services Infrastructure for Virtualization Oriented Architectures


Publications scientifiques

Designing Efficient Security Services Infrastructure for Virtualization...

Naqvi S. "Designing Efficient Security Services Infrastructure for Virtualization Oriented Architectures, in Pervasive Information Security and...

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Using Organisational Security Policy for Ensuring Privacy of Electronic Health Records


Communication scientifique

Using Organisational Security Policy for Ensuring Privacy of Electronic...

Naqvi S., Dallons G., Michot A., Ponsard C., Using Organisational Security Policy for Ensuring Privacy of Electronic Health Records, The...

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Reservoir - When One Cloud Is Not Enough


Publications scientifiques

Reservoir - When One Cloud Is Not Enough

Benny Rochwerger, David Breitgand, Amir Epstein, David Hadas, Irit Loy, Kenneth Nagin, Johan Tordsson, Carmelo Ragusa, Massimo Villari, Stuart...

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A Formal Semantics for Feature Cardinalities in Feature Diagrams


Communication scientifique

A Formal Semantics for Feature Cardinalities in Feature Diagrams

Raphaël Michel, Andreas Classen, Arnaud Hubaux and Quentin Boucher, A Formal Semantics for Feature Cardinalities in Feature Diagrams, Fifth...

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Evaluating a Textual Feature Modelling Language : Four Industrial Case Studies


Publications scientifiques

Evaluating a Textual Feature Modelling Language : Four Industrial Case...

Hubaux, A., Classen, A., Boucher Q., Michel R., Heymans P. - "Evaluating a Textual Feature Modelling Language : Four Industrial Case Studies",...

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