ICTEAM carries both basic and applied world-class research in key fields of information and communication technologies, electronics and applied mathematics. The Institute’s research is theoretical, experimental, and leading to technology
transfer : several patents were granted over the past years, in particular in the fields of proton therapy, solar cell or video compression, only to name a few areas. Several spin-offs have been created based on research results obtained within
ICTEAM, among which intoPIX (image processing), e-Peas (ultra-low-power semiconductors), iMagX (imaging solutions for proton therapy), Tessares (improvement of the performance and quality of Internet access) and VOCSens (gas sensing solutions).
Solution de gestion optimale de la ventilation des bâtiments tertiaires
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Plateforme de tests de cybersécurité pour systèmes cyber-physiques industriels
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Digital rail Transport
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Exposer les capacités technologiques et résultats de recherche
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