QualiHM : A Requirement Engineering Toolkit for Efficient User Interface Design

QualiHM : A Requirement Engineering Toolkit for Efficient User Interface Design

Mohamed Boukhebouze, Ravi Ramdoyal, Dimitri Diakodimitris, Ugo Sangiorgi, Mathieu Zen and Jean Vanderdonckt, QualiHM : A Requirement Engineering Toolkit for Efficient User Interface Design, IEEE Eighth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), Marrakesh, Morocco, May 28-30 2014 (accepted)

Date: 28 mai 2014

Publication: Publications scientifiques 


Ingénierie des systèmes IT complexes 

Transformation Numérique 

A propos du projet: QualIHM 

An effective User Interface (UI) is a key factor of the success of an interactive system. Hence, particular attention should be paid to the UI design during the Requirement Engineering process (RE). Several RE tools have been proposed in order to support the UI design. However, these tools have limitations in terms of the requirements completeness, the requirements quality analysis and the UI generation from requirements. In this paper, we present a new RE toolkit, called QualIHM, that deals with the limitations of thes existing RE. The toolkit supports the description of the requirements in different formats. In addition, QualiHM facilitates the UI design by transforming the requirement formats to each others, generating the UI code and providing the feedback aesthetic quality of the UI.

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