
En tant que centre de recherche impliqué dans la recherche appliquée tant au niveau régional qu’européen, le CETIC est impliqué dans la publication de résultats de recherches dans diverses conférences et journaux liés à ces domaines de recherche.

La politique de publication du CETIC privilégie les contributions à caractère appliqué, impliquant des études de cas industrielles menées lors des projets correspondant.

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Evolution des stratégies et modèles d'affaires des éditeurs Open Source face au Cloud computing


Publications scientifiques

Evolution des stratégies et modèles d’affaires des éditeurs Open Source face au...

Robert Viseur, Evolution des stratégies et modèles d’affaires des éditeurs Open Source face au Cloud computing, Revue Terminal,...

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Confrontation d'un modèle d'échange de données dosimétriques avec l'état des pratiques franco-belges


Publications scientifiques

Confrontation d’un modèle d’échange de données dosimétriques avec l’état des...

Annick Majchrowski, Christophe Ponsard, Mathieu Ocaña, Confrontation d’un modèle d’échange de données dosimétriques avec l’état des pratiques...

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Managing technical debt in IT start-ups – an industrial survey


Publications scientifiques

Managing technical debt in IT start-ups – an industrial survey

Christophe PONSARD, Nicolas DEVOS, Dimitri DURIEUX, Félix BREGADZE, Managing technical debt in IT start-ups – an industrial survey, in Proc.25th...

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Manager Guidelines for the Industrial Deployment of Formal Methods


Publications scientifiques

Manager Guidelines for the Industrial Deployment of Formal Methods

C. Ponsard, J.C. Deprez, R. De Landtsheer, Manager Guidelines for the Industrial Deployment of Formal Methods, 18th International Workshop on...

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Augmenting Accessibility Guidelines with User Ability Rationales


Publications scientifiques

Augmenting Accessibility Guidelines with User Ability Rationales

Christophe Ponsard, Pascal Beaujeant, Jean Vanderdonckt, Augmenting Accessibility Guidelines with User Ability Rationales, IFIP Conference on...

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A Generic Workflow Metamodel to Support Resource-Aware Decision Making


Publications scientifiques

A Generic Workflow Metamodel to Support Resource-Aware Decision...

Ravi Ramdoyal, Christophe Ponsard, Myriam-Amina Derbali, Gabriel Schwanen, Isabelle Linden and Jean-Marie Jacquet, A Generic Workflow Metamodel...

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Identifying Success Factors for the Mozilla Project


Publications scientifiques

Identifying Success Factors for the Mozilla Project

Robert Viseur, Identifying Success Factors for the Mozilla Project, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS...

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Developing Free Software within a Major ICT Company


Publications scientifiques

Developing Free Software within a Major ICT Company

Robert Viseur, Laurent Pinchart, Developing Free Software within a Major ICT Company, Proceedings of Commex 2013, Capodistria (Slovenia), June...

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Supporting unexpected situations in business process management using the BEM framework


Publications scientifiques

Supporting unexpected situations in business process management using the...

Isabelle Linden, MyriamDerbali, Gabriel Schwanen, Jean-MarieJacquet, Ravi Ramdoyal, and Christophe Ponsard, Supporting unexpected situations in...

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Confrontation d'un modèle d'échange de données dosimétriques avec l'état des pratiques franco-belges


Publications scientifiques

Confrontation d’un modèle d’échange de données dosimétriques avec l’état des...

Christophe Ponsard, Mathieu Ocaña, Annick Majchrowski, Confrontation d’un modèle d’échange de données dosimétriques avec l’état des pratiques...

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Mozilla : histoire d'une libération


Publications scientifiques

Mozilla : histoire d’une libération

Robert Viseur, Mozilla : histoire d’une libération, pp. 315-339. In Camille Paloque-Berges et Christophe Masutti (sous la direction de), Histoires...

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Evidence-based Assistance for the Adoption of Formal Methods in the Industry,


Scientific papers

Evidence-based Assistance for the Adoption of Formal Methods in the...


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A Linked Data Approach for Querying Heterogeneous Sources


Scientific papers

A Linked Data Approach for Querying Heterogeneous Sources

Nikolaos Matskanis, Vasiliki Andronikou, Philippe Massonet, Kostas Mourtzoukos and Joseph Roumier, A Linked Data Approach for Querying...

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Using Feature Modelling and Automations to Select among Cloud Solutions


Publications scientifiques

Using Feature Modelling and Automations to Select among Cloud...

Clément Quinton, Laurence Duchien, Patrick Heymans, Stéphane Mouton, and Etienne Charlier, "Using Feature Modelling and Automations to Select among...

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A lightweight specialized meta-scheduler for 3D image rendering applications


Publications scientifiques

A lightweight specialized meta-scheduler for 3D image rendering...

J. Chevalier, S. Mouton, "A lightweight specialized meta-scheduler for 3D image rendering applications", GVS 2009 Grid and Visualisation Systems...

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Towards a Commercial IT Service Delivery


Publications scientifiques

Towards a Commercial IT Service Delivery

Christophe Ponsard, Gautier Dallons, Stéphane Mouton, Philippe Massonet : Towards a Commercial IT Service Delivery. ERCIM News 2007(70)...

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Semi-automated Extraction of Targeted Data from Web Pages


Publications scientifiques

Semi-automated Extraction of Targeted Data from Web Pages

Estiévenart F., Meurisse J.-R., Hainaut J.-L., Thiran P., Semi-automated Extraction of Targeted Data from Web Pages, Proc. of the 22nd...

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A Generic Framework For Extracting XML Data From Legacy Databases


Publications scientifiques

A Generic Framework For Extracting XML Data From Legacy Databases

Thiran P., Estiévenart F., Hainaut J.-L., Houben G.-J, A Generic Framework For Extracting XML Data From Legacy Databases, Journal of Web...

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Exporting Databases in XML : a Conceptual and Generic Approach


Publications scientifiques

Exporting Databases in XML : a Conceptual and Generic Approach

Thiran P., Estiévenart F., Hainaut J-L., Houben G-J., Exporting Databases in XML : a Conceptual and Generic Approach, WISM’04 : Web Information...

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A tool-supported method to extract data and schema from web sites


Publications scientifiques

A tool-supported method to extract data and schema from web...

Estiévenart F., François A., Henrard J., Hainaut J-L., A tool-supported method to extract data and schema from web sites, Proc. of the 5th...

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Using Tags for Business Process Enrichment


Publications scientifiques

Using Tags for Business Process Enrichment

Zakaria Maamar, Nanjangud C. Narendra, Ejub Kajan, Aldina Pljaskovic, and Mohamed Boukhebouze, Using Tags for Business Process Enrichment, in...

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On Link Estimation in Dense RPL Deployments


Publications scientifiques

On Link Estimation in Dense RPL Deployments

Sebastien Dawans, Simon Duquennoy, Olivier Bonaventure. "On Link Estimation in Dense RPL Deployments", SenseApp 2012, Proceedings of the 2012...

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An SMT-based approach to automated configuration


Publications scientifiques

An SMT-based approach to automated configuration

Raphaël Michel, Vijay Ganesh, Arnaud Hubaux and Patrick Heymans, An SMT-based approach to automated configuration, 10th International Workshop on...

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Analysing Impact of Scalability and Heterogeneity on the Performance of Federated Cloud Security


Publications scientifiques

Analysing Impact of Scalability and Heterogeneity on the Performance of...

Syed Naqvi, Arnaud Michot, Michael Van de Borne, Analysing Impact of Scalability and Heterogeneity on the Performance of Federated Cloud...

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