CETIC will take part at the ICSOFT 2017 conference to ensure the dissemination of a international survey carried out by the PRIMa-Q project. It will also to present the results of a long lasting collaboration with the Walloon company Respect-IT.
Date: 26 July 2017
Event: CETIC talks ⊕
Digital Transformation ⊕
Domaine: Telecommunications ⊕
About project: PRIMa-Q ⊕
On one hand, CETIC will be involved in the European Research Area, consisting of a panel, poster session and demo space to promote the international survey carried out within the framework of the PRIMa-Q. The purpose of this survey is to collect information on risk management in small and medium-sized enterprises which are often limited in the resources (people, tools) they can devote to this task.
On the other hand, CETIC will also present a synthesis of the R&D work carried out over several years to help the Respect-IT company to develop its requirements engineering toolset mainly in the context of a collaboration with the Chinese giant Huawei.