Building Smarter Cities through ICT-driven Co-Innovation

Building Smarter Cities through ICT-driven Co-Innovation

Christophe Ponsard, Robert Viseur and Jean-Christophe Deprez, Building Smarter Cities through ICT-driven Co-Innovation, ERCIM News 98, p51, July 2014.

Date: 9 juillet 2014

Publication: Communication scientifique 


Transformation Numérique 

The Smart City concept is actively being discussed in many places across Europe. However, turning this ideal vision into a practical roadmap is challenging because it requires effective coordination and cooperation between the range of organizations involved in the city operations. In this article, we discuss the use of co-innovation techniques in a number of Belgian cities which gather people with complementary skills for collaborative projects, thus enabling a range of potential projects to be considered. In these projects, information and communication technologies (ICT) would play a key role.