A Formal Semantics for Feature Cardinalities in Feature Diagrams

A Formal Semantics for Feature Cardinalities in Feature Diagrams

Raphaël Michel, Andreas Classen, Arnaud Hubaux and Quentin Boucher, A Formal Semantics for Feature Cardinalities in Feature Diagrams, Fifth International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems, Namur (Belgium), 27-29 January 2011.

Date: 29 janvier 2011

Publication: Communication scientifique 


Ingénierie des systèmes IT complexes 

Domaine: Secteur numérique 

A propos du projet: CALiPro 

Auteur : Raphaël Michel

Feature cardinalities in feature diagrams determine the number of times a feature and its subtree can be duplicated during con-guration by an operation named \cloning". Other authors already investigated the problem and published di-erent proposals of semantics for this construct.

However, this previous work is not easily amenable to the formal study of the various properties of feature diagrams and their derived con-gurations. Also, cross-tree constraint languages still need to be properly extended to account for
feature cardinalities.

This paper presents an extension of an earlier formal semantics of feature diagrams by adding support for feature cardinalities.