VOCSens develops EnviCam, a multi-sensor module ("environmental camera") measuring the presence of various gases and volatile organic compounds, particulates, humidity and temperature, connected to Internet of Things networks and the Industry 4.0 networks.
Benefit from over 20 years of research from UCLouvain laboratories (ELEN department, ICTEAM) and numerous collaborations, VOCSens is developing a new concept of environmental camera, EnviCam®, which allows us to see the invisible: the chemical and biochemical molecules surrounding us. The company has developed a manufacturing process, CMOSEnvi™, fully compatible with the CMOS technology found in the electronic chips we use every day. Established in February 2019, VOCSens is based at Axis Parc, Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium, near the Louvain-la-Neuve Science Park.
VOCSens is a spin-off from the SMALL research group within the ELEN department, ICTEAM Institute, Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), under the guidance of Prof. Laurent Francis, Prof. Denis Flandre, and Prof. Jean-Pierre Raskin, with the support of IMCN, including Prof. Sophie Hermans and Prof. Benoit Hackens. UCLouvain is one of the most prestigious universities in Europe and home to globally recognized laboratories. It relies on strong expertise developed over more than 20 years of research on the development and characterization of CMOS-compatible environmental sensors, including gas, temperature, humidity, and pressure sensors, as well as CMOS design of read-out interfaces.