

ModulAR INdoor Air quality management platform towards energy efficient systems and healthy places

MARINA is a project of the Greenwin competitiveness cluster whose goal is to develop a solution to manage the ventilation of buildings in the tertiary sector in an optimal way, based on the measurement of the concentration of several pollutants considered critical given their dangerousness and their presence in the offices. CETIC brings an expertise in the advanced and transparent management of heterogeneous sensors and their data.

Domaine: CleanTech 

Innovation theme: Artificial Intelligences 

Asset: Dmway 


Project team


Many studies have shown that the air inside our buildings is often more polluted than the air outside. The fact that we spend a good part of our time inside buildings increases our exposure to the present pollutants and causes negative impacts on our health and well-being. This translates into an increase in respiratory diseases, absenteeism, concentration problems as well as a loss of productivity with obvious socio-economic repercussions.

The MARINA project therefore proposes an optimized and low cost service for indoor air management. The first objective of this project is the development of specific and efficient sensors for indoor air quality monitoring meeting the criteria of the building industry (deployability, interoperability, low cost, accuracy, portability and autonomy) to detect particularly the most problematic pollutants found in offices.
A modular IT platform will then offer a highly configurable management of these multi-source data (from different sensors but also from other pre-existing data sources in the building) as well as an intelligent data processing allowing to compose and configure customized application services: in particular for the control of HVAC installations.


These configurable HVAC system control optimization services will ensure a better energy and sanitary efficiency of the HVAC system based on the "product as a service" model, where the delivery of the optimized setpoints through the placed hardware becomes a contracted service in the form of a subscription or leasing, rather than a separate purchase and service contract.

Added value

The innovation brought by the MARINA platform is declined in several levels.
First, new generation sensors will be developed to measure specific pollutants related to indoor air quality.
Second, a modular and scalable IT platform will be developed, based on a multi-source data collection middleware capable of integrating the semantics specific to each of these data. The innovation concerns the ability of this platform to analyze and interpret this data set.
Finally, a customizable facility management service will be developed to support a vision of the "adaptive" building according to the increasingly evolving use of the buildings and the occupancy of the premises, by crossing data and the multiplicity of captures by combining comfort, health and economy for the satisfaction of both employees and employers.