Thématiques du Workshop 2022
- Embedded AI
- Extending ROS2SWARM for a swarm robotics task allocation scenario
- Semi-supervised image classification using Deep Learning models
- AI
- Prediction of the temperature field in the case of an evolving domain during the additive manufacturing process with Machine Learning
- On-the-fly Domain Adaptation
- Trusted AI
- Trustworthy optimization of neighbor embedding algorithms: towards explainability by design in exploratory data visualization
- Explainable artificial intelligence techniques and their use as tools
- Bias Detection on Image or Text Data and their Mitigation on Models
- Human AI
- Clustering of energy consumption profiles in residential buildings
- Active learning framework for Additive Manufacturing labeling
- Knowledge distillation for context-aware large-scale surveillance in smart-cities
- Federated Recommender System for the medical field equipped with a data inference engine
- SDG Coding Challenge
- User annotation quality evaluation toolbox

Program for Researchers
05/09: Kickoff of the TRAIL Summer Workshop in Belgium
- Objectives of the workshop and instructions for the TRAIL researchers.
- DFKI researchers participate remotely.
- The kickoff will take place at CETIC headquarters.
08/09 : TRAIL on rails !
- The TRAIL team travels to Berlin by train where the rest of the workshop will take place.
08-14/09 : Researchers work on their respective project.
Program for Enterprises and Researchers
If they wish to callaborate with TRAIL, companies are asked to contact:
14/09 : EU Projects and Technological Partnerships Sessions
- Registration and coffee : 12:30
- SESSION 1 – Introduction: Overview of AI initiatives in Wallonia and the WBI and AWEX Services in Germany : 13:00 – 13:05
- Welcome Adress - Ms. Pascale Delcomminette (CEO of WBI (Wallonie-Bruxelles International) and AWEX (Walloon Trade & Export Agency))
- SESSION 2 – Overview of the Walloon and Berlin AI ecosystems and opportunities of collaboration
- 13:05 – 13:20 : Presentation of Berlin Partner and their services - Philipp GÜNTHER, Senior Projektmanager Innovation im Bereich IKT
- 13:20 – 13:35: Presentation of the TRAIL (Trusted AI Lab Institute) - Prof-Dr. Benoît MACQ (Managing Director)
- SESSION 3 – EU initiative on Artificial Intelligence 13:35 – 14:10 : Presentation of R&I funding opportunities in AI between Wallonia and Belgium
- Horizon Europe 2023-2024 / Digital Europe 2023 - Services of NCP Wallonia /NKS–Berlin Partner - Overview of European programmes and strategic objectives related to AI
Lison RABUEL, NCP-Wallonia – ADVISOR Digital, Security and Defence
Dimitri JUNGBLUT, NKS-Deutschland – Research Associate, Department of the Project Management of the German Aerospace Center (DLR)/ NCP for Digital and Industrial Technologies) - IRA-SME / CORNET Programmes (ERA-Nets) - Speaker : Sophia-Susanne Nau (BAFA – German Federal Office of Economics and Export Control)
- Coffee Break 14:10 – 14:20
- SESSION 4 – KEYNOTE’s from potential coordinators or trusted partners for EU Projects dedicated to Artificial Intelligence 14:20 – 16:30: German / Walloon Keynotes
- Health (14:20 – 14:50)
Prof. Dr. Med. Petra RITTER, Head of the Section Brain Simulation – La Charité & Testing and Experimentation Facility – Health AI Europe
Prof. Dr. Med Giovanni BRIGANTI, Leader at AI4Health group – AI4Belgium & Associate Professor / Chair of AI & Digital Medicine – Faculty of Medicine of UMONS - Additive Manufacturing (14:50 – 15:20)
Stefanie BRICKWEDE, Managing Director – MGA (Mobility goes Additive)
Dr. Caroline SAINVITU , Senior Research Scientist in Machine Learning and Optimization – CENAERO - TRUSTED AI + overview of opportunities of Technological Collaboration in Germany and Wallonia (15:20 – 16:00)
CLAIRE, der Confederation of Laboratories for AI Research in Europe – Germany and Trusted AI activities in DFKI by: Christian MULLER, Head of Competence Center Autonomous Driving – German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence Saarland Informatics Campus (DFKI)
Sandrine BROGNAUX, Scientific advisor in ICT – Research Support and Knowledge Transfer Office & The EU Projects opportunities within the RESEAU LIEU
Prof-Dr. François-Xavier STANDAERT (UCL) - Opportunities of collaboration in Applied Research Center (16:00 – 16:30)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas WIEGAND, Executive Director – Fraunhofer HHI & TUBerlin)
Dr. Jean-Yves PARFAIT, Head of Artificial Intelligence Research Group – MULTITEL
- SESSION 5 – Pitches + Networking : 16:30 – 17:30 : 5 min Impulse Introduction for each Berlin/Walloon
- Topics and draft ideas + networking: (1) Manufacturing Industry, (2) AI, Data and Robotics, (3) Trust-based AI Leadership.
15/09 : Visit of the Berlin AI ecosystem and organisation of B2B meetings.
- This programme will include a health track in the morning based on the visit of Berlin’s health institutions and actors. The matchmaking (afternoon) will be open to companies, RDI operators and users covering all the themes touched by AI applications.
16/09 : Closing event of the TRAIL Summer Workshop - After two weeks of intense work, the TRAIL and DKFI researchers present their projects.
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