Xavier Lessage

Xavier Lessage

Expert Research Engineer

Data Science


  • Telephone: +32 476 90 65 06
  • Email: xavier.lessage@cetic.be
  • LinkedIn

Data Science 

Xavier Lessage joined CETIC in February 2019 as Senior Project Manager and IT Manager. In 2021 he joined the Data Sciences department as Senior Research Engineer.
His areas of interest are artificial intelligence, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security as well as distributed data processing (High Performance Computing).

He previously worked at Group S as Technical Manager and at the Saint-Luc University Clinics in Brussels. At the same time, he also worked as a consultant and trainer in IT development (C ++, Delphi, Lisp) at the TechnocITé competence center and in industry.

Xavier is a civil engineer in computer science / management from the Polytechnic Faculty of Mons and an industrial engineer in electromechanical / automatic (HELHA). He also holds a university certificate in artificial intelligence (UMONS) and a doctorate in applied sciences (UMONS).

One of his favorite fields among industry and digital is health and more specifically, the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare.