Systems for Electronic Evidence Handling and Exchange

Systems for Electronic Evidence Handling and Exchange

Nikolaos Matskanis, Jean-Christophe Deprez, Fabrice Estievenart, Christophe Ponsard, Systems for Electronic Evidence Handling and Exchange, Book Chapter, Handling and Exchanging Electronic Evidence Across Europe, June 2018.

Date: 29 juin 2018

Publication: Communication scientifique 


Transformation Numérique 

A propos du projet: EVIDENCE 

The EVIDENCE project aims at providing a roadmap (guidelines, recommendations and technical standards) for realising the missing Common European Framework for the systematic and uniform application of new technologies in the collection, use and exchange of Electronic Evidence. This chapter provides insights and expert’s recommendations for the roadmap regarding the software architecture design, the technologies, protocols and standards of software systems for digital evidence collection, handling and exchange. To this goal a software application and library prototypes have been developed that implement several of these protocols and have used the recommended representation language for applying a structure on the electronic evidence data, as well as metadata and for keeping the provenance of all steps of the digital forensic investigation lifecycle.