Christophe Ponsard, Robert Darimont, Quantitative Assessment of Goal Models within and beyond the Requirements Engineering Tool : a Case Study in the Accessibility Domain, Tenth International i* (iStar) Workshop, Essen, Germany, 12-13 June, 2017.
Date: 12 juin 2017
Publication: Publications scientifiques ⊕
Transformation Numérique ⊕
Domaine: Santé ⊕
A propos du projet:
Goal-Orientation provides a rich framework to reason about systems at Requirements Engineering (RE) time, at least using some quantitative forms of reasoning on a goal structure. This paper focuses on the assessment of the satisfaction level of requirements and related goals which has to be measured at run-time and possibly involves some multiple instantiation schemes. We propose a framework to derive such a run-time assessment from the design-time goal model and illustrate it on a real-world case study from the accessibility domain.
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