
En tant que centre de recherche impliqué dans la recherche appliquée tant au niveau régional qu’européen, le CETIC est impliqué dans la publication de résultats de recherches dans diverses conférences et journaux liés à ces domaines de recherche.

La politique de publication du CETIC privilégie les contributions à caractère appliqué, impliquant des études de cas industrielles menées lors des projets correspondant.

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From Lightweight Cybersecurity Assessment to SME Certification Scheme in Belgium


Publications scientifiques

From Lightweight Cybersecurity Assessment to SME Certification Scheme in...

Christophe Ponsard, Philippe Massonet, Jeremy Grandclaudon, Nicolas Point, From Lightweight Cybersecurity Assessment to SME Certification Scheme...

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Regulation and Security Modelling of Essential Services in Network of Information Systems


Publications scientifiques

Regulation and Security Modelling of Essential Services in Network of...

Christophe Ponsard, Robert Darimont, Regulation and Security Modelling of Essential Services in Network of Information Systems, iStar 2020 : The...

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Towards Quantitative Trade-Off Analysis in Goal Models with Multiple Obstacles Using Constraint Programming


Publications scientifiques

Towards Quantitative Trade-Off Analysis in Goal Models with Multiple...

Christophe Ponsard, Robert Darimont, Towards Quantitative Trade-Off Analysis in Goal Models with Multiple Obstacles Using Constraint Programming,...

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Epileptic seizure detection using EEG signals and extreme gradient boosting


Publications scientifiques

Epileptic seizure detection using EEG signals and extreme gradient...

Paul Vanabelle, Pierre De Handschutter, Riëm El Tahry, Mohammed Benjelloun, Mohamed Boukhebouze. The Journal of Biomedical Research, 2020, 34(3) :...

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Impacts of size and history length on energetic community load forecasting: a Belgian case study


Scientific papers

Impacts of size and history length on energetic community load forecasting:...

Amel Achour, Maher Badri, Benjamin Bernaud, Lotfi Guedria et Mickael Tits: Impacts of size and history length on energetic community load...

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Assessment of EMF Model to Text Generation Strategies and Libraries in an Industrial Context


Publications scientifiques

Assessment of EMF Model to Text Generation Strategies and Libraries in an...

Christophe Ponsard, Denis Darquennes, Valery Ramon and Jean-Christophe Deprez Assessment of EMF Model to Text Generation Strategies and Libraries...

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Methodology and Feedback about Systematic Cybersecurity Experts Auditing in Belgium


Publications scientifiques

Methodology and Feedback about Systematic Cybersecurity Experts Auditing in...

Christophe Ponsard, Jeremy Grandclaudon, Nicolas Point, Methodology and Feedback about Systematic Cybersecurity Experts Auditing in Belgium, 6th...

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Emerging Topics in Textual Modelling


Publications scientifiques

Emerging Topics in Textual Modelling

Achim D. Brucker, Gwendal Daniel, Martin Gogolla, Frédéric Jouault, Christophe Ponsard, Valéry Ramon, Edward D. Willink : Emerging Topics in Textual...

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Blockchain Based Variability Management Solutions for Fog Native Open Source Software


Publications scientifiques

Blockchain Based Variability Management Solutions for Fog Native Open...

Björn Holste, Vlado Stankovski, Petar Kochovski, Antonio Puliafito, Philippe Massonet, Blockchain Based Variability Management Solutions for Fog...

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Book Chapter : Design-Time Tooling to Guide Programming for Embedded Heterogeneous Hardware Platforms


Publications scientifiques

Book Chapter : Design-Time Tooling to Guide Programming for Embedded...

De Landtsheer, Renaud & Deprez, Jean-Christophe & Guedria, Lotfi. (2019). Design-Time Tooling to Guide Programming for Embedded...

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Survey and Guidelines for the Design and Deployment of a Cyber Security Label for SMEs


Publications scientifiques

Survey and Guidelines for the Design and Deployment of a Cyber Security...

Christophe Ponsard and Jeremy Grandclaudon, Survey and Guidelines for the Design and Deployment of a Cyber Security Label for SMEs, 4th...

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A two-phased Risk Management Framework Targeting SMEs Project Portfolios


Publications scientifiques

A two-phased Risk Management Framework Targeting SMEs Project...

Christophe Ponsard, Fabian Germeau, Gustavo Ospina, Jan Bitter, Hendrik Mende, Rene Vossen, and Robert H. Schmitt, Proc. SIMULTECH 2019, Prague,...

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Anonymous multi-source counting statistics


Publications scientifiques

Anonymous multi-source counting statistics

New methodology applied to the health sector

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Towards Risk-aware Scheduling of Enterprise Architecture Roadmaps


Publications scientifiques

Towards Risk-aware Scheduling of Enterprise Architecture Roadmaps

Christophe Ponsard, Fabian Germeau, Gustavo Ospina, Towards Risk-aware Scheduling of Enterprise Architecture Roadmaps, 21st International...

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A User-Centered design and usability testing of a web-based medication reconciliation application integrated in an eHealth network


Publications scientifiques

A User-Centered design and usability testing of a web-based medication...

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Guidelines and Tool Support for Building a Cybersecurity Awareness Program for SMEs


Publications scientifiques

Guidelines and Tool Support for Building a Cybersecurity Awareness Program...

Ponsard C., Grandclaudon J. (2020) Guidelines and Tool Support for Building a Cybersecurity Awareness Program for SMEs. In : Mori P., Furnell S.,...

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Survey and Lessons Learned on Raising SME Awareness about Cybersecurity


Publications scientifiques

Survey and Lessons Learned on Raising SME Awareness about Cybersecurity

Christophe Ponsard, Jeremy Grandclaudon and Sebastien Bal, Survey and Lessons Learned on Raising SME Awareness about Cybersecurity, 2019...

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Towards Goal-Oriented Analysis and Redesign of BPMN Models


Publications scientifiques

Towards Goal-Oriented Analysis and Redesign of BPMN Models

Christophe Ponsard and Robert Darimont, Towards Goal-Oriented Analysis and Redesign of BPMN Models, 7th International Conference on Model-Driven...

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A Time Window Constraint for Local Search


Scientific papers

A Time Window Constraint for Local Search

Renaud De Landtsheer, Gustavo Ospina, Fabian Germeau, Thomas Fayolle, A Time Window Constraint for Local Search, ORBEL33, Hasselt, February 7-8,...

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 A web application to involve patients in the medication reconciliation process


Publications scientifiques

A web application to involve patients in the medication reconciliation...

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Assessment of Emerging Standards for Safety and Security Co-Design on a Railway Case Study


Publications scientifiques

Assessment of Emerging Standards for Safety and Security Co-Design on a...

Christophe Ponsard, Jeremy Grandclaudon, Philippe Massonet, Mounir Touzani, Assessment of Emerging Standards for Safety and Security Co-Design on...

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Optimal Mapping of Task-based Computation Models over Heterogeneous Hardware using Placer


Publications scientifiques

Optimal Mapping of Task-based Computation Models over Heterogeneous...

Renaud De Landtsheer, Jean-Christophe Deprez, Christophe Ponsard, Optimal Mapping of Task-based Computation Models over Heterogeneous Hardware...

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Automatic Discovery and Selection of Services in Multi-PaaS Environments


Publications scientifiques

Automatic Discovery and Selection of Services in Multi-PaaS...

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Big Data Integration in Cloud Environments : Requirements, Solutions and Challenges


Publications scientifiques

Big Data Integration in Cloud Environments : Requirements, Solutions and...

Sellami , R. and Defude , B. (2018). Big Data Integration in Cloud Environments : Requirements, Solutions and Challenges. In NoSQL Data Models,...

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