
En tant que centre de recherche impliqué dans la recherche appliquée tant au niveau régional qu’européen, le CETIC est impliqué dans la publication de résultats de recherches dans diverses conférences et journaux liés à ces domaines de recherche.

La politique de publication du CETIC privilégie les contributions à caractère appliqué, impliquant des études de cas industrielles menées lors des projets correspondant.

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Towards Design-time Simulation Support for Energy-Aware Cloud Application Development


Publications scientifiques

Towards Design-time Simulation Support for Energy-Aware Cloud Application...

Christophe Ponsard, Jean-Christophe Deprez, Renaud De Landtsheer, and Gustavo Ospina, Towards Design-time Simulation Support for Energy-Aware...

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OscaR, an Open Source Toolbox for optimising Logistics and Supply Chain Systems


Publications scientifiques

OscaR, an Open Source Toolbox for optimising Logistics and Supply Chain...

Renaud De Landtsheer, Christophe Ponsard, and Yoann Guyot, OscaR, an Open Source Toolbox for optimising Logistics and Supply Chain Systems, ERCIM...

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Local Search with OscaR.CBLS


Communication scientifique

Local Search with OscaR.CBLS

Renaud De Landtsheer, Yoann Guyot, Gustavo Ospina, Christophe Ponsard, Local Search with OscaR.CBLS, Workshop Design and Analysis of...

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Verifying Geostatistical Travel Time Properties on Routing Networks


Publications scientifiques

Verifying Geostatistical Travel Time Properties on Routing Networks

Renaud De Landtsheer, Christophe Ponsard, Verifying Geostatistical Travel Time Properties on Routing Networks, International Conference on...

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A Discrete Event Simulation Approach for Quantifying Risks in Manufacturing Processes


Publications scientifiques

A Discrete Event Simulation Approach for Quantifying Risks in Manufacturing...

Renaud De Landtsheer, Gustavo Ospina, Philippe Massonet, Christophe Ponsard,Stephan Printz, Lasse Härtel and Johann Philipp von Cube, A Discrete...

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Towards the Complexity of Differentiation Through Lazy Updates in Local Search Engines


Communication scientifique

Towards the Complexity of Differentiation Through Lazy Updates in Local...

Renaud De Landtsheer, Yoann Guyot, Gustavo Ospina, Christophe Ponsard, Towards the Complexity of Differentiation Through Lazy Updates in Local...

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L'optimisation par recherche locale avec OscaR, expliquée à mon voisin


Communication scientifique

L’optimisation par recherche locale avec OscaR, expliquée à mon...

Renaud De Landtsheer, Christophe Ponsard, L’optimisation par recherche locale avec OscaR, expliquée à mon voisin, 16es Rencontres Mondiales du...

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Optimal Scheduling of Chemotherapy Deliveries under Quality of Care, Resources and Ethical Constraints


Publications scientifiques

Optimal Scheduling of Chemotherapy Deliveries under Quality of Care,...

Renaud De Landtsheer, Yoann Guyot, Christophe Ponsard, François Roucoux, Optimal Scheduling of Chemotherapy Deliveries under Quality of Care,...

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Combining Neighborhoods into Local Search Strategies


Publications scientifiques

Combining Neighborhoods into Local Search Strategies

Renaud De Landtsheer, Yoann Guyot, Gustavo Ospina, Christophe Ponsard, Combining Neighborhoods into Local Search Strategies, 11th MetaHeuristics...

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Combining Neighborhoods into Search Strategies


Publications scientifiques

Combining Neighborhoods into Search Strategies

Renaud De Landtsheer, Yoann Guyot, Christophe Ponsard, Combining Neighborhoods into Search Strategies, ORBEL29, Antwerp, February 5-6,...

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A Constraint-Solving Approach for Achieving Minimal-Reset Transition Coverage of Smartcard Behaviour


Publications scientifiques

A Constraint-Solving Approach for Achieving Minimal-Reset Transition...

Renaud De Landtsheer, Christophe Ponsard, Nicolas Devos. A Constraint-Solving Approach for Achieving Minimal-Reset Transition Coverage of...

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A high-level, modular and declarative modeling framework for routing problems


Publications scientifiques

A high-level, modular and declarative modeling framework for routing...

Renaud De Landtsheer, Yoann Guyot, Christophe Ponsard, A high-level, modular and declarative modeling framework for routing problems, 28th annual...

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Manager Guidelines for the Industrial Deployment of Formal Methods


Publications scientifiques

Manager Guidelines for the Industrial Deployment of Formal Methods

C. Ponsard, J.C. Deprez, R. De Landtsheer, Manager Guidelines for the Industrial Deployment of Formal Methods, 18th International Workshop on...

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Evidence-based Assistance for the Adoption of Formal Methods in the Industry,


Scientific papers

Evidence-based Assistance for the Adoption of Formal Methods in the...


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OscaR.cbls : an open source framework for constraint-based local search


Communication scientifique

OscaR.cbls : an open source framework for constraint-based local...

Renaud De Landtsheer, Christophe Ponsard, OscaR.cbls : an open source framework for constraint-based local search, 27th ORBEL Annual Meeting,...

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Is my Formal Method Tool Ready for the Industry ?


Communication scientifique

Is my Formal Method Tool Ready for the Industry ?

Christophe Ponsard, Jean-Christophe Deprez, Renaud De Landtsheer, Is my Formal Method Tool Ready for the Industry ?, AVOCS 2011 - 11th...

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A FAQ Approach for Collecting Evidence on Formal Method Industrial Usage


Communication scientifique

A FAQ Approach for Collecting Evidence on Formal Method Industrial...

Deprez J.C., Ponsard C., De Landtsheer R., A FAQ Approach for Collecting Evidence on Formal Method Industrial Usage, FM 2011 Industry Day, June...

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Deriving Event-Based Usage Control Policies from Declarative Security Requirements Models


Communication scientifique

Deriving Event-Based Usage Control Policies from Declarative Security...

De Landtsheer R, Ponsard C, Massonet P., "Deriving Event-Based Usage Control Policies from Declarative Security Requirements Models", Second...

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Comparison of the AADL and Event-B Model-Based Tool Chains for Designing Embedded Systems


Communication scientifique

Comparison of the AADL and Event-B Model-Based Tool Chains for Designing...

Christophe Ponsard, Renaud De Landtsheer, "Comparison of the AADL and Event-B Model-Based Tool Chains for Designing Embedded Systems", First...

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Towards Event-B Metrics Support in RODIN


Communication scientifique

Towards Event-B Metrics Support in RODIN

Christophe Ponsard, Arnaud Michot, Renaud De Landtsheer, "Towards Event-B Metrics Support in RODIN", in proc. DEPLOY Technical Workshop...

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