CETIC participates actively to European Framework Programs for research and development which aims at the creation of the European Research Area (ERA) by improving integration and co-ordination of research in Europe. Through direct funding of projects via the European Commission, this major instrument for funding research in Europe allows CETIC to collaborate with significant R&D partners and develop and adopt new technologies that will be afterward useful for the Walloon economic sector. These call for projects are very competitive and demonstrate the excellence of the research activities carried out at CETIC.
Le CETIC took part to many projects of the 6th framework program (FP6, from 2002 to 2006), [7th framework program>http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/] (FP7, from 2007 to 1013). The current framework is Horizon 2020 (H2020, from 2014 to 2020). Walloon companies willing to take part to these projects can ontact us, in order to considerate a joined participation in consortia, with the support of the NCP Wallonie for elaborating a project proposal.
A project to strengthen the employability of vulnerable individuals through...
Network of Excellence IA at the EDGE
Enabling zero-defect manufacturing for flat steel with optimized inspection
A European effort to Revolutionize Healthcare through AI and Robotics