Maxime Istasse

Maxime Istasse

Research Engineer

Data Science


  • Telephone: +32 483 00 12 34
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Maxime Istasse received his MSc in Computer Science Engineering from the UCLouvain in 2017. He then started working as research assistant in the Electrical Engineering department of the same university, and ended up pursuing a PhD around the topic of Instance Segmentation in Computer Vision, which he received in 2023. During his stay there, he worked on collecting data, writing annotation software, designing and training neural network-based methods for a variety of tasks. He also introduced engineering students to programming paradigms and computer vision as teaching assistant for the LFSAB1402 and LELEC2885 lessons.

Concurrently, he started working at Sportradar in 2020 to provide computer vision advice, manage GPU clusters and organize public challenges. Once his thesis completed, he joined full-time to focus on the problem of object tracking until May 2024.

Maxime joined CETIC’s Data Science department in June 2024 as a research engineer. He is currently participating in Computer Vision projects and building expertise with Large Language Models (LLMs).