The MANET project studies and evaluates emerging architectures and communication standards for Internet of Things (IoT) in order to address new challenges for mobility and reliability of these networks.
Scalability of embedded systems and IoT networks ⊕
Domaine: Software industry ⊕
Based on use cases defined with industrial partners, MANET studies the management of mobility and routing optimization in the IoT networks. This includes:
The expected results are defined according to the following axis:
CETIC will prototype the defined use cases and will transfer technological outcomes to the industrial partners. Moreover, the project will participate in the development of the industrial ecosystem via specific dissemination actions.
Communication scientifique
Amel Achour, Lotfi Guedria and Christophe Ponsard, Towards Improved Mobility Support in Wireless Sensor Networks, ERICM News 119, Special theme :...
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Publications scientifiques
Philippe Massonet, Laurent Deru, Amel Achour, Sebastien Dupont, Anna Levin, Massimo Villari :"End-to-end Security Architecture for Federated...
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Publications scientifiques
Sébastien Dupont, Amel Achour, Fabrice Estiévenart, Nikolaos Matskanis, Laurent Deru, "Bringing dynamics to IoT services with Cloud and semantic...
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