The Creative Wallonia initiative places creativity and innovation at the heart of Wallonia’s economic development. In this context, the Living Lab concept is a laboratory for open innovation. Beyond the simple validation of concepts by mere consumers for new products and services, the Living Lab is a place for the appropriation of new technologies and the emergence of new usage scenarios where users/citizens become actors and contributors.
Digital Transformation ⊕
Domaine: Digital Society ⊕
As part of the Creative Wallonia initiative, CETIC has been appointed to coordinate the implementation of two Living Lab pilot projects, the first of their kind in Wallonia.
The Living Lab places the user at the heart of the co-creation concept to design and develop products and/or innovative services in order to better meet society’s needs and expectations.
The positive outcome from different Living Lab initiatives around the world led to a reflection on the value of implementing such dynamics in Wallonia and raise the region’s innovation capacity.
In 2013, CETIC launched a call for proposals to fund two Living Lab pilot pro- jects. These two pilots will be centred either on the eHealth theme or on the Open Domain one. On the one hand, eHealth is key to addressing Wallonia’s upcoming societal challenges. The focus is on telemedicine, on technologies and process enhancing the autonomy of elderly people, and on the sharing of medical data. On the other hand, Open Domain aims at experimenting with usage scenarios for new standards, practices or innovative technologies.
Through the deployment of the two Living Lab pilot projects, CETIC will enhance its expertise in open innovative technologies and co-creation methodologies. CETIC will ensure the knowledge transfer towards local businesses for integration of co-creative concepts and technological innovations into their process.
External activities
Nicolas Devos attends the event for Living Labs in Wallonia, along with the WeLL (Wallonia e-health Living Lab).
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CETIC talks
in the context of an inter-regional project of cross-border governance
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CETIC talks
Leading event for IT industry in Morocco
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External activities
annual summit of the worldwide Living Lab community
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Scientific communication
Christophe Ponsard et Bérengère Nihoul, A Living Lab Approach for Sustainable Forest Management, ERCIM News 121,The Climate Action: Mathematics,...
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Communication scientifique
R. Viseur, K Kristoforidis, "La croissance dans les industries culturelles et créatives : le cas de la Digital Innovation Valley", 2nde Journée de...
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Communication scientifique
Robert Viseur, Problèmes pratiques de propriété intellectuelle dans les hotspots créatifs wallons : bases d’un cadre légal adapté aux activités...
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Publications scientifiques
Robert Viseur, Nicolas Devos. How Openness can change Scientific Practice, ERCIM News - Special theme : Scientific Data Sharing and Re-use, p.37,...
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