ICT supporting health and mobility

ICT supporting health and mobility

15th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs

During the international conference ICCHP2016, Valery Ramon will present two CETIC contributions to improve the the daily life of people with special needs: an ICT-based medication reconciliation platform and A Mobile Travel Companion based on Open Accessibility Data.

Date: 13 July 2016

Event: CETIC talks 


Digital Transformation 

Domaine: Health 

CETIC is careful to keep the ICT at the service of all, especially people with special health needs (including the elderly) and mobility (including persons with reduced mobility).

CETIC will present two contributions. The first was developed in the scope of the SEAMPAT project and is about the design and implementation of an electronic medication reconciliation tool in which the patient is actively involved in providing information about his medication that can be compared with the medical records accessible to the physician.

The second contribution concerns the development of Open Linked Data platform to better consolidate and disseminate building accessibility of information open to the public and particularly targetting people with reduced mobility.