Structural funds in Wallonia

Under the programming periods of Structural Funds, the European Union and the Walloon Region have joined forces to fund regional development projects with the aim to strengthen Member States and regions by improving conditions for growth and employment. The following programming periods took place:

  • Objectif 1, before the creation of CETIC
  • Phasing Out Objectif 1 (2000-2006), during which CETIC was cretated
  • Objectif Convergence and Objectif Compétitivité (2007-2013).
  • (2014-2020)
  • ERDF programming 2021-2027

Among the priorities of these programmes, one axis is aimed at developing human capital, knowledge, know-how and research projects by funding research centers, universities, high schools for the purchase of equipment, joint research and technological guidance. For more information: