Thomas Fayolle

Thomas Fayolle

Senior R&D Engineer

Combinatorial Algorithmics


  • Telephone: +32 488 49 17 27
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Algorithmic and combinatorial Optimisation 

Engineering of complex IT systems 

Domains: Transport & logistics 

Assets: OscaR.cbls 

Thomas is software engineer with a degree from ENSIIE and a PhD from university of Créteil and Sherbrooke. He has a strong expertise in the field of formal methods for software specification as well as system specification. Through his PhD studies, he gained a good knowledge of the state of the academic research in this field. In parallel to his PhD, Thomas is also working as consultant to apply formal methods in the industry, especially in railways.

Since he joined CETIC in February 2018, he is also specialising in the optimisation of complex systems and is contributing to the development of the OscaR.CBLS optimisation engine.