Stéphane Mouton

Stéphane Mouton

Director of Operations



  • Telephone: +32 475 76 78 50
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Digital Transformation 

Engineering of complex IT systems 

Domains: Manufacturing 

Assets: FADI 

As Chief Operating Officier, Stéphane Mouton ensures that projects are running efficiently and smoothly. His research experience mostly lies in Service Oriented Computing (Cloud Computing, SOA, WebServices, and their combinations). Stéphane has also a strong experience in software application architecture and 30 years skill in Linux ranging from embedded systems to clusters. He provides to industry state of the art reviews and analysis as regards these technologies. He also helps start-ups going from ideas to technical proof of concepts by accompanying them until they are technically autonomous and their applications tested in real conditions.
Stéphane was involved in several European research projects: AssessGrid, BEinGRID, CoreGrid, RESERVOIR, comodIT, PaaSage. He holds a Master degree in Computer Sciences and a master in Engineering with a specialisation in Computer Sciences for Industrial field.