Opal Solutions

Specialised in digital tools for the healthcare sector, Opal Solutions offers solutions such as Careboard for managing nursing staff and Interneo for managing nursing placements. These centralised platforms aim to optimise operational processes and improve the quality of care

Activities: Business 

Collaborations: Technology Transfer 


Engineering of complex IT systems 

Informations CETIC

Le CETIC a assuré pour Opal, des prestations de soutien en qualité logicielle et a accompagné l’entreprise dans le passage sur le cloud du logiciel Interneo, en tenant compte des aspects de scalabilité de l’architecture du logiciel. Le CETIC a apporté un regard externe en termes de pratiques, code et architecture de l’application.
This blog post illustrates CETIC’s intervention.Optimize your costs and productivity by migrating to the PaaS

