Christophe Ponsard will speak at the 10th edition of the i* workshop devoted to early requirements engineering, business process design, organization modelling, software development methodologies, in Essen on 12 June 2017.
Date: 12 June 2017
Event: CETIC talks ⊕
Digital Transformation ⊕
About project: PRIMa-Q ⊕
He will present the application of a modeling framework developed jointly with the Belgian Respect-IT company. The objective of the work is to measure the level of satisfaction of a system with respect to its requirements. It is supported by a case study carried out in the field of accessibility->article3149].
This workshop is organized within the framework of the CAiSE conference on information systems engineering. It also covers project management issues and will be the opportunity to make contacts in this field especially in the scope of the PRIMa-Q project which is being conducted jointly with Germany, where the conference is taking place.
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