Migrating a Warehouse Management System software onto the cloud

Industrial legacy software sometimes comes with responsiveness and availability constraints that is barely compatible with the cloud SaaS model. SaaS-WMS aims to demonstrate how such an application can be adapted to a cloud usage through a Warehouse Management Software usage case.


Engineering of complex IT systems 

Domaine: Transport & logistics 



INGRIF is releasing a warehouse management and supply chains software (WMS). Such software comes with response time and availability constraints, which could only be fulfilled by installing the computer server within the customer’s infrastructure. However, user expectations have changed, and are turning towards online software in the cloud.

The project aims to demonstrate the technical feasibility of adapting such a demanding application into an SaaS mode. However, the Internet network comes with no guarantee about response time. The application will then be adapted to compensate for the lack of responsiveness guarantee, and its virtual infrastructure auto-adapts itself to keep the same performance level.


At the end of the project, our partner INGRIF will benefit from a software tool in SaaS mode so that cloud VMs can be automatically adjusted according to the workload while respecting responsiveness requirements. Meanwhile, CETIC will have implemented an infrastructure management and auto-adaptive framework. Moreover, CETIC will improve its methodology in assisting SMEs to port their software to the cloud, and will enhance its expertise in orchestration and optimization of services.

Added value

Such a proof of concept responds to an actual demand:

  • either because the solution aims to a new market, made of SMEs which are reluctant to invest in an overly expensive solution;
  • or because it offers an answer to companies looking for a turnkey solution, freeing them from the constraints of IT management.