Smart Operation For Thermal SUMMER comfort in residential buildings

The SOFT Summer project aims to optimize the management of summer thermal comfort in residential buildings based on smarter and more sustainable technical solutions integrating the deployment of digital technology.

Domaine: CleanTech 

Asset: Dmway 



The goal of the SOFTSummer project is to respond to issues relating to the overheating of domestic buildings by offering an intelligent solution for collecting multi-source data and controlling it to obtain the best efficiency from passive equipment.

Indeed, the periods of heat waves increase and intensify from year to year.
At the same time, the buildings are increasingly better insulated, more airtight and equipped with large bay windows to ensure interior comfort in winter conditions. However, these new building characteristics are also more prone to problems of overheating and thermal discomfort in summer.

In order to fight against overheating, there are passive solutions such as solar protection or intensive ventilation which have significant and recognized potential. But for their effectiveness to be proven, their management (opening/closing) is decisive, which is very often not the case. This is where SOFTSUMMER can demonstrate its potential


Our solution based on the DMWay software component will automate this management.
Users will be informed about the thermal status of their home; the system will take a series of actions and give the user information as to the origin of these actions or, if necessary, provide them with recommendations for actions to take.

Added value

  • Demonstrate the relevance of automating ventilation and screening actions
  • Validate the decision-making algorithms relating to these actions
  • Demonstrate the stability and ease of integration of the DMWAY solution