REDIRNET aims at providing a decentralized framework of interoperability between agencies of emergency responders. In addition to communications, REDIRNET will enable interoperability of agencies’ IT infrastructures such as databases, sensor systems and cameras.
Domaine: Digital Society ⊕
Innovation theme: Cyber Security ⊕
REDIRNET consortium is aware that often it is non-technical issues that hinder agency interoperability regardless of the quality of technical solutions. Consequently user engagement across a range of agencies EU-wide will be ongoing throughout the project duration. This will lead to a quality repository of user identified interoperability issues and proposals for their resolution.
Another element of REDIRNET will be technology. The REDIRNET project will provide technical means to improve the integration, interconnectivity and interoperability possibilities of command and control systems for emergency responders in EU member and associated countries.
REDIRNET will provide a decentralized framework for interoperability for first responders’ systems based on a public meta-data gateway controlled by the agencies themselves via a REDIRNET socio-professional web. To help build this web of linked-up agencies REDIRNET will be enhanced with semantic web methods in accordance with the vocabulary and processes of the user community.
An additional benefit for the agencies will be the compilation of guidelines and recommendations that will be gathered from several EU member states along the project duration.
REDIRNET will address the interoperability in a wider sense allowing first responders to interconnect their data stores and surveillance system outputs in a seamless way. They will be able to link up to partner agencies of their operational need and manage the scope of such interoperability.
CETIC will provide a semantic interoperability solution for C&C centres by producing a domain model for each agency type (knowledge engineering) and by building services that put into practice semantic web technologies and research.
Rapports techniques
Video explaining the project results
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Publications scientifiques
Renaud De Landtsheer, Christophe Ponsard, Verifying Geostatistical Travel Time Properties on Routing Networks, International Conference on...
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Communication scientifique
Christophe Ponsard, Philippe Massonet and Jean-Christophe Deprez, Goal-Oriented Reasoning about Systems of Systems, ERCIM News 102, Trustworthy...
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