During August 24th to 28th, Christophe Ponsard will take part to the 23rd IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, in Ottawa, Canada.
Date: 24 August 2015
Event: CETIC talks ⊕
Digital Transformation ⊕
About project: ASCETiC ⊕
RE’15 offers an extensive program of interest to academia, government and industry including three distinguished keynote speakers and three conference days full of papers, panels, posters and demos. A series of exciting tutorials to develop skills in and advance awareness of requirements engineering practices is of particular interest to industry. The main conference is preceded by two days of workshops and the doctoral symposium.
CETIC will be involved in the RE4SuSY workshop devoted to the requirements engineering of sustainable systemes through its contribution to a synthesis of best practices based on studies conducted by CETIC both within consultancy and research projects such as ASCETIC.
Furthermore CETIC also helps the Respect-IT company to promote the latest advances its requirements engineering platform Objectiver whose R&D was largely conducted by the CETIC. These will be the subject of a communication during the posters and tool demos session.
Conference website: http://re15.org/