Jens Brandenburger, Christoph Schirm, Josef Melcher, Edgar Hancke , Annick Majchrowski, Rami Sellami, Sebastien Dupont, Marco Vannucci, Valentina Colla , Asier Arteaga, “Quality 4.0 - Transparent product quality supervision in the age of Industry 4.0”, SIS 2020/2021, April 27 - 28, 2021, Aachen • Germany
Date: 28 April 2021
Publication: Scientific papers ⊕
Engineering of complex IT systems ⊕
About project: Quality 4.0 ⊕
Abstract : Progressive digitalization is changing the game of many industrial sectors. Focusing on product quality the main profitability driver of this so-called Industry 4.0 will be the horizontal integration of information over the complete supply chain. Therefore, the European RFCS project “Quality4.0” aims in developing an adaptive platform, which realises decisions on product quality and provides tailored information of high reliability that can be individually exchanged with customers. This paper discusses the intermediate project results and the concepts developed so far for this horizontal integration of quality information.
Keyword: Big Data, Deployment, DevOps, Kubernetes (K8s), Helm, Open Source, data quality, steel industry, RFCS research projects
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