Adaptative Piloting of Hospital Processes

The PIPAS project aims at developing a software solution to help in modelling, piloting and supervising healthcare processes for treating patients, in the area of cancer care.


Engineering of complex IT systems 

Algorithmic and combinatorial Optimisation 

Domaine: Health 

Asset: OscaR.cbls 



The hospital world is facing increasing challenges regarding care quality, notably in the cancer domain, where patients suffering from multiples pathologies have to follow complex treatments, and rely on shared infrastructure. The modelling of clinical pathways is increasingly used to explicit the key steps of those treatments and contribute to answer their inherent challenges.

The objective of the project is to support the implementation of process management systems for driving clinical pathways, and overcome the limitations of current systems. Current systems are based on imperative workflows which are unable to take into account the interferences between workflows. The proposed approach is based on mixed imperative-declarative models, operators enabling the engineering of complex workflows and tools for the optimal process enactment wrt. declarative constraints such as timing constraints.


PIPAS project produced a toolset supporting:

  • the definition definition of imperative and declarative models of care
  • the execution of models to pilot the care team and manage resource conflicts
    occurring at runtime, based on the OscaR.CBLS engine;
  • The monitoring of executing processes using indicators derived from the
    model and dashboards views.

Added value

The produced software meets real needs faced by hospitals to ensure care quality with limited resources and clinical processes growing in number and complexity.
The principles and tool developed by PIPAS for piloting hospital processes and clinical pathways can be exploited by medical software editors addressing this domain or directly by large hospitals which are managing the integration of IT innovation themselves.
The underlying principles are reusable by hospitals managing their IT infrastructure and support themselves, as well as by broader workflow management system editors.

Partners and web links