Mensura 2015

Mensura 2015

CETIC intervened at the conference IWSM Mensura 2015 in Cracow, October 5th-7th 2015, to present two contributions related to its experience about the use of COSMIC in an industrial context, and the development of eco-aware cloud applications.

Date: 6 October 2015

Event: CETIC talks 


Engineering of complex IT systems 

Co-création pour le numérique 

About project: ASCETiC 

Contact : Annick Majchrowski

For years, CETIC has helped companies to produce reliable estimates for software development based on methods such as COSMIC function points. Our experts, Sanae Saadaoui and Annick Majchroswki, will share a number of lessons learned along those years as well as hints on how to improve the transfer of such methods to industry.

In another topic, a data measurement and visualisation approach for designing eco-aware Cloud applications will also be presented at the MegSUS workshop MegSUS. This method was developed by the ASCETiC project consortium and is based on a goal and KPI (Key Performance Indicators) oriented approach.

Finally, taking part to this event will also help keeping in touch with the latest developments in effort estimation methods and make new contacts with the research community and industrial users in Eastern Europe.