MIC OpenSpace at CETIC

MIC OpenSpace at CETIC

In the context of the Big Data Week

The Microsoft Innovation Center (Belgium) organises every week an Open Space. This event is regularly delocalised in the premises of a partner. On Thursday November 26th, the MIC Open Space will take place in CETIC.
This is the occasion to gather in a nice setting for working and meeting people. Simply bring some work and your laptop, and enjoy a day with us.

Date: 26 November 2015

Event: CETIC event 


Data Science 

Digital Transformation 

Contact : Ons Dridi

A technical conference is planned during lunch time. It will be focused on the exploitation of data, in the context of a real-life example.

Mitchell Silva (Esperity) and a researcher from CETIC will present the usage of the Azure tools in the context of a « Data analytics » project of the startup. This collaboration is made in the context of the Azure4Research program.
The aim of this project is to enhance patient empowerment by developing new algorithms to analyse unstructured data (textual input - being comments and stories) , aiming at bringing people closer together who have the same disease and other similarities on one side, and giving suggestions of clinical trials on the other side. The similarities will be identified using machine learning algorithms. These algorithms will take into account: medication, disease type, symptoms, lifestyle indicators,...

Practical information

The Open Space is free and open to all, from 9h to 17h.
A lunch will be foreseen for registrants.
Please register online