Lessons Learned from Big data technologies

Lessons Learned from Big data technologies

Big Data Week 2015 : Bridging data events all over the world

For its fourth edition, the second held in Wallonia, the Big Data Week will focus on lessons learned, according to the business and technological perspectives. This year’s event will present case studies and feedback from professionals who have implemented these technologies. The conference is scheduled on Tuesday November 24th, 14h at CETIC.

Date: 24 November 2015

Event: CETIC event 


Data Science 


14h00 Opening
14h15 Big Data: a potential to be exploited
14h15 - The local ecosystem of Big Data, Robert Viseur (CETIC)
14h40 - Big Analytics: a tool for for better performance and decision support, Pierre-Paul-FARES (NRB)
15h05 Feedback from health and biotech sectors
15h30 - Cytomine, Collaborative analysis of multi-gigapixel images, Grégoire VINCKE, Scientific Coordinator (ULG)
15h55 - Distributed machine-learning in action : genomic analysis case study, Xavier TORDOIR, Co-founder (DATAFELLAS)
16h20 - UCL-ICTEAM & IBA : Big Data technologies applied to protontherapy, Benoît MACQ, Professor (UCL-ICTEAM)
16h45 Pause
17h15 Business applications, from data collection to data exploitation
17h15 - Yellow cabs vs Uber : Big Data comparative study & the "OpenStreetCab" tool, Renaud LAMBIOTTE, Professor (UNamur)
17h40 - Collection and enrichment of large customer datasets in B2C marketing : what’s behind the door?, Olivier SIMONIS, CEO (Qualifio)
18h05 - Big Data from Space : acquisition and automated treatment of large volumes of high resolution satellite images, for polio eradication in Nigeria, Vincent TIGNY, Business Development Manager Earth Observation (GIM)
18h30 - Big Data and IoT to optimise energy consumption, Jonathan HUBEAU, Managing Partner (OPINUM)
18h55 Conclusions
19h Networking drink


Tickets are free. It is however required to subscribe. Book your ticket here

Practical information

Most presentations will be held in French.

The event will take place at CETIC: Access

This event is part of the Big Data Week, and organised by CETIC, AdN and INFOPOLE Cluster TIC.
See also: wallonia.bigdataweek.com