An SME conducting R&D activities and which is ready to innovate can quickly obtain simple and flexible financial support through several funding instruments offered by local authorities.
For SMEs established in Wallonia, the most efficient and lightweight instrument are the technology vouchers provided, with the support of Wallonia and ERDF. When working with an accredited research centre like CETIC, an SME is eligible for reimbursement of up to 75% of the total cost of R&D through the Chèques Technologiques program. These technology vouchers are available up to a maximum amount of €60,000 per SME over a period of 3 years. The software feasibility studies from the regional research administration (DGO6), also provide up to 75% of required funding.
Brussels-based SMEs can benefit from regional funding for their R&D activities as well. Funding is available from INNOVIRIS, the Brussels Institute for Research and Innovation: see In particular, CETIC is an accredited service provider for Boost innovation vouchers.
CETIC is also accredited under the Crédit Impôt Recherche programme in France, which is a favourable tax credit scheme that enables any French company to enter into a contractual R&D agreement with CETIC.
For further information, contact CETIC.