

Linking EVIDENCE into e-Codex for EIO and MLA procedures in Europe

Evidence2e-Codex aims at creating a legally valid instrument to exchange digital evidence related to Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) and European Investigation Order (EIO) procedures over e-CODEX by providing the legal and technical communities with ‘ready to use’ information on EIO, digital evidence and e-CODEX and a ‘true to life’ example of how electronic evidence can be shared over e-CODEX in a secure and standardized way to support MLA and EIO cases.


Engineering of complex IT systems 

Domaine: Digital Society 


Project team : Nikolaos Matskanis


The EVIDENCE project has established an overview of legal frameworks on the use and exchange of electronic evidence; worked on common definitions of the concept of evidence; and has identified a technical standard for the exchange of electronic evidence based on which has built a proof of concept application. Cooperation with law enforcement agencies that has also been established and the needs from the law enforcement community perspective on the use and exchange of electronic evidence were closely investigated.

The e-CODEX project has already established a proven digital infrastructure that supports the exchange of data between legal authorities for many cross border legal procedures in civil and criminal law.


The EVIDENCE2e-CODEX Project aims at initiating the implementation of a common European framework for the correct and harmonized handling of electronic evidence during its entire lifecycle: collection, preservation, use and – in particular – exchange of electronic evidence. Therefore, the EVIDENCE2e-CODEX team will pilot the achievements of the EVIDENCE Project in a real life criminal justice use case using the e-CODEX platform. The aim is to verify the developed exchange scenario and pave the way for the electronic evidence exchange and further support in MLA/EIO procedures between EU Member States.


The targeted technical results of the project are:

  • Refining the language proposal from EVIDENCE project for the representation of the data in the Exchange process
  • Development of a workflow management application for managing, importing and exporting evidence standard packages.
  • True to life use cases and demonstration of the language and application with Internal validation workshops.