CETIC launches EU's 6th Research Framework Programme

CETIC launches EU’s 6th Research Framework Programme

Press conference on the co-ordination of European projects Qualoss and GridTrust

As the QUALOSS European project is officially being launched, CETIC is organising a press conference on September 7.
This is the opportunity to present the two European projects CETIC is coordinating: GridTrust and QUALOSS.

Date: 7 September 2006

Press conference of Thursday September 7, 2006 on the co-ordination of European projects Qualoss and GridTrust

Press file Qualoss/GridTrust
Press release Qualoss/GridTrust

Particularly active in the European Research Area, CETIC is currently participating to height European projects under the 6th Framework Programme in Research and Development.

CETIC is actually in charge of the entire coordination for two of these projects: GridTrus and QUALOSS.
Through this responsibility, CETIC is gaining valuable expertise which will lead towards improved services for businesses.

The GridTrust project’s objective is to develop the technology to manage trust and security for the Next Generation Grids (NGG).

The QUALOSS project aims at developing a method for measuring evolvability and robustness of free and open source software components (F/OSS).

As a result of its involvement in such projects at the international level, CETIC comes out as the qualified partner for large European businesses and research centres.
This reinforces its role of point of reference reinforcing the international implication of the Walloon region at a European level.