CETIC at HIPEAC and Uppsala

CETIC at HIPEAC and Uppsala

Demonstration of tools resulting from R&D projects

Renaud De Landtsheer, expert researcher at CETIC, will be travelling to Sweden to attend a workshop organised by the TANGO project and to collaborate with the university of Uppsala.

Date: 23 January 2017

Event: CETIC talks 


Algorithmic and combinatorial Optimisation 

Asset: OscaR.cbls 

About project: TANGO 

As part of the TANGO workshop of the HIPEAC conference in Stockholm, he will demonstrate a prototype called Placer which was developed at CETIC for the TANGO project. Placer is a tool capable of finding a mapping between a data flow application and a multi-core hardware that minimizes energy consumption.

During the same trip, he will also visit the team of Professor Pierre Flener from the University of Uppsala to discuss the advances made on the OscaR.cbls tool. As a reminder, his team, in collaboration with CETIC, recently won the prize for the best solver in local research.