ORBEL 32 is the 32nd conference of ORBEL, the Belgian Operational Research (OR) Society, Member of EURO, the association of European OR Societies, and Belgian representative of IFORS (International Federation of OR Societies).

Date: 1 February 2018

Event: CETIC talks 


Algorithmic and combinatorial Optimisation 

Domaine: Health 

About project: SAMOBI 

The conference is intended as a meeting place for researchers, users and potential users of Operational Research, Statistics, Computer Science and related fields. It will provide managers, practitioners, and researchers with a unique opportunity to exchange information on quantitative techniques for decision making.

This year the CETIC will participate with two presentations:

Renaud De Landtsheer-Generic Support for Global Routing Constraint in Constraint-Based Local Search Frameworks

and Fabian Germau - Easily Building Complex Neighbourhoods With the Cross-Product Combinator

This year’s meeting (ORBEL32) will take place in the city of Liège at HEC Liège-Management School of ULiège, and will be organised by the HEC Liège Centre for Quantitative Methods and Operations Management (QuantOM).