The CE-IQS project encompasses several topics in the field of system engineering. Activities are grouped in 5 topics dedicated to methodologies, quality and certification with a technology focus on embedded and distributed systems.
Engineering of complex IT systems ⊕
Data Science ⊕
Scalability of embedded systems and IoT networks ⊕
Digital Transformation ⊕
Domaine: Software industry ⊕
The purpose of the Centre of Expertise in Engineering and Quality of Systems is to help enterprises successfully anticipate the rapid evolution of the ICT sector through Research and Development (R&D) actions based on strong research topics but also aligned according to the programmatic requirement of enterprises.
CE-IQS covers 5 main topics:
The evolution of ICT systems will be studied through the strengthening of methodologies for the complete life-cycle and the integration of Software Product Line engineering. CE-IQS will provide enterprises with methods and tools for improving the control of their systems for the whole lifespan.
Embedded and distributed systems evolve according to the new paradigms induced by the Internet of Things (IoT) and consequently by the technological developments in the areas of intelligent objects, networks, Cloud and Big Data.
The project is finely attuned to the ICT enterprises that are encouraged to propose their own Use Cases. The technologies are then implemented and demonstrated on this basis in order to validate their level of maturity and their accuracy in view of practical requirements in the field. Enterprises can then integrate these technologies with better confidence. They can also rely on CETIC and their partners to support and reduce the time-to-market of their products.
CETIC talks
Organised by, the Tech Startup Day provides a good mix of hands-on coaching sessions & workshops and plenary keynotes and...
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External activities
Seminar organised by DSP valley and IBBT
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Communication scientifique
Dimitri Durieux, Christophe Ponsard and Jean-Christophe Deprez. QualiXML - an XML-based Static Code Analysis Framework, BENEVOL, Lille, December...
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Publications scientifiques
Sanae Saadaoui, Annick Majchrowski, Christophe Ponsard, Tips and Hints for an effective COSMIC Learning Process gained from Industrial Trainings,...
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Publications scientifiques
Annick MAJCHROWSKI, Christophe PONSARD, Sanae SAADAOUI, Jacques FLAMAND, Jean-Christophe DEPREZ, Software Development Practices in Small Entities...
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Publications scientifiques
Christophe Ponsard, Robert Darimont, Arnaud Michot, Combining Models, Diagrams and Tables for Efficient Requirements Engineering : Lessons...
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