Bubble Hub

Bubble Hub

Creative Hub Charleroi-Sud Hainaut

Leveraging its expertise in co-creation and ICT, CETIC contributes to the initiative Creative Wallonia which aims at creating new sources of value creation through open innovation. In this context, CETIC is a partner of Bubble Hub, the Creative Hub from the region Charleroi-Sud Hainaut.


Digital Transformation 

Domaine: Digital Society 



The Bubble Hub forms an ecosystem which aims at developing a multidisciplinary collaboration between local stakeholders (citizens, researchers, business owners, public authorities, designers, hackers, etc). This collaboration favours the emergence of innovative projects on the territory covered by the Hub.
This project breaks down the barriers found in our society, and ensures a transition from the traditional economy to a creative economy, where users are not only consumers, but also co-developers of the products.


Within Bubble Hub, CETIC builds relations between its know-how on digital technologies and the end-users. In order to do that, workshops will be organised with people having different backgrounds, around a common thematic. From this group, new creative ideas will emerge, which may lead to several new projects, business, associations... Via a close follow-up of these ideas, the stakeholders will try to define new solutions (product, service, business model) and identify their business potential.

Added value

The Creative Hub will cover the whole region, not only city centres, establish new collaborative networks and practices, involve citizens and users, and generate specific (business) projects.
The Creative Hub will generate returns for the local players through the generation of value added partnerships, the sale of new and improved products leading to jobs creation and a better attractiveness of the area.