Belgian Economic Mission to the United States of America

Belgian Economic Mission to the United States of America

under the presidency of H.R.H. Princess Astrid

The Walloon Export and Foreign Investment Agency (AWEX) supports participation in this joint economic mission which is taking place in the United States from June 4 to 12, 2022, the presidency of H.R.H. Princess Astrid, Representative of Her Majesty the King.

Date: 10 June 2022

Event: External activities 

Innovation theme: Cyber Security 

About project: CyberExcellence 

Contact : Philippe Massonet

This mission, which will successively travel to Atlanta, New York and Boston, is organized by the Foreign Trade Agency, the regional foreign trade agencies (the Walloon Export and Foreign Investment Agency, Hub Brussels, Flanders Investment & Trade) and the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs.

Technology, in the broad sense, will be in the spotlight and the following key sectors will be highlighted:

  • Life sciences (healthcare, medtech, biotech/pharma, particularly in the Covid context)
  • Artificial intelligence and digital technology
  • Fintech, smart cities, cleantech, sporttech, audiovisual
  • Agrifood
  • And also: infrastructure, transport & logistics.

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